PregnancyWeek BY Week

Week 37 of Pregnancy

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Your child can enjoy the advantage of living in your mercy for a few more days, but his period has come to an end! In fact, your body weight will not change in this week and only the fetus will continue to gain weight. During the few weeks or days left to give birth, about 14 grams per day are added to the weight of the fetus. Together we read the changes of the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy.

The state of the fetus in the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

congratulations! Your fetus is complete and will be able to continue living outside the womb from now on. Fetuses born before 37 weeks are called premature and those born after 42 weeks are called late. Your fetus weighs a little more than 2859 grams and is about 48.6 cm long from head to heel. In the future, your body weight may not change and only add to the weight of the fetus. During the few weeks or days left until delivery, about 14 grams per day are added to the weight of the fetus. In some cases, some of the amniotic fluid may be absorbed by your body tissues and the volume of the amniotic fluid around the fetus will decrease a little. This makes you think your child is moving less, but he is still just as active. As the volume of the uterus increases, more light enters it and the fetus opens its eyes in response to it.
Most babies have full head of hair at birth and their hair may be between 1.2 and 3.8 cm long. Don’t be surprised if your child’s hair color is not the same as yours. Some babies have only a little downy hair. In the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, the stimulation of your breasts due to the hormones related to the fetal placenta to produce milk causes the baby’s breasts to stand out, but after birth, they return to their original state.

Height: 48.6 cm
Weight: 2859 grams

Mother’s condition in the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

You just have to wait in the coming weeks. Use this opportunity to prepare things related to your baby or do things that you may not be able to do until some time after the baby is born. Take a nap or study whenever you can. Have your dreams changed? Do you think your dreams are real while you sleep? The worries of motherhood can cause such dreams. The number of Braxton-Hicks muscle contractions may be increased. Also, each of these contractions may take longer and become more annoying. When the occurrence of these contractions increases, you may think that it is time to give birth. There may also be an increase in vaginal mucus secretions. During pregnancy, the dense and thick mucus closes the opening of the uterus and has a protective role. When labor begins, this mucus, which is called “mucous plug”, may become a little bloody and come out when the cervix begins to open. This condition is called “blood show” and if you see “blood show” during this period, it may be time to give birth. At this time, like any other time during pregnancy, if you see spotting or bleeding, inform your doctor immediately.

Important symptoms of the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

About 2-3 weeks before delivery and from the 37th week, one morning when you wake up, you will notice that your baby has dropped too much, which indicates that he is ready to be born. This position is called “engagement”. With this rotation, the baby presses on the upper part of the abdomen to be placed in the birth stage. This situation is a result of the thinning of the uterine wall and its great elongation in order to facilitate the movement towards the cervix, although this situation does not happen to all mothers, especially mothers who have previously given birth, but this change in appearance can be clearly seen in you and attention Others will be attracted to this change in appearance. Ease of breathing is one of the good results of this condition and frequent urination is another difficult consequence because the baby’s head presses on the bladder.

What should we eat in the 37th week of pregnancy?

Having a proper diet after delivery is essential for a nursing mother. During breastfeeding, it is necessary to eat healthy foods for mother and baby. Your body needs 200 more calories during breastfeeding than during pregnancy or 500 more calories than during pre-pregnancy. So, get rid of the thought of dieting after pregnancy because if you don’t get enough food, the milk needed by the baby will not be produced. You should know that you will have a lot of opportunity to lose weight in the future.

Ultrasound of the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

Sometimes the doctor or midwife will ask you about how to check the growth of the fetus inside your belly. An indicator of fetal health is the measurement of amniotic fluid. This can be part of a biophysical profile test that includes watching all the different movements of the fetus. In this image, the sonographer measures the deepest part of the amniotic fluid in the four regions of the uterus.

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List of important tasks in the 37th week of pregnancy

  • Review the route to the hospital or maternity hospital once in a traffic-free time. It might be better to plan to get there at different times of the day and night. You can even go there and find out about the entry point, the admission system and related tasks, as well as the documents you need to bring with you.
  • Call your doctor right away if you have problems such as blurred vision, nearsightedness, double vision, or spots that appear temporarily when you stand up quickly. Such vision changes that occur during pregnancy can be symptoms of pregnancy seizures, especially if they are accompanied by headaches.
  • If you have another child, make sure they are ready for the arrival of the new baby.
  • Plan cooking and freezing food for the first few weeks of the baby’s birth.
  • Buy diapers and formula.
  • Wash the baby’s clothes.

Breast changes for milk production

Until now, your breasts were only one part of your body, but now your breasts are designed to feed the baby. Your breasts are now a cup size larger than they were before pregnancy. The nipples may also become more sensitive and you may feel pain while getting dressed. All these signs indicate that your body is ready to feed the baby. Each breast has approximately 20 to 25 lobes. This part is separated from fats, connective tissue, nerves and lymph vessels. Inside each lobe, there are parts that produce milk in response to hormones and at the same time as the nipples are sucked. A yellow liquid slightly thicker than milk may ooze from the nipples. This is the same as Mac’s milk or colostrum or the baby’s primary food and is rich in protein, fat and antibodies.

Important fears of the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

Birth is the most natural stage of life, which is sweet and scary at the same time. As you get closer to the time of delivery, your fear and apprehension increases. If these fears cause negative feelings in you during the 37th week of pregnancy, it will interfere with the delivery process. The best way to deal with problems is to not be afraid at all. Yes! Many births are not comfortable, but there are ways to control the pain. Your labor will finally end and you will hold your baby. Seek a consultation with a psychologist because research shows that women who consulted a psychologist during pregnancy had shorter labors and less need for cesarean section than other women. Learn relaxation skills and find a midwife or other skilled person who can help you do these exercises in the final weeks.

Signs of labor pains

You may have noticed pre-labor pain symptoms by now in the 37th week of pregnancy. This may be caused by changes and contractions in the vagina and lead to the entry of the fetus into the pelvic region and sometimes it also causes diarrhea. It is also common to see brown blood spots at this time. The initial pain usually lasts 5 to 12 hours and helps to open the cervix up to 4 cm and thins the opening. so that the uterus looks like a thick cylinder. which ends in a delicate vase. The best thing you can do for yourself at this time is to eat less and rest on your left hand.

Have a meal plan suitable for breastfeeding

From the thirty-seventh week of pregnancy, you should think about feeding during breastfeeding. The best way to increase your caloric intake while breastfeeding is to add nutritious foods such as low-fat milk and yogurt, red meat, fish, poultry, and eggs and whole grains to your diet. Some items that contain an extra 200 calories over the usual diet include a bowl of breakfast cereal with milk, an omelette with a piece of toast, a piece of chicken and some milk. Remember that when you breastfeed your child, your body needs more vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, E and folic acid, chromium, calcium, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium and zinc, compared to when you were pregnant. Your body allocates vitamins and minerals to the fetus first. Therefore, if enough nutrients do not reach your body and the fetus, your body will use the stored nutrients to produce milk, and you will be deficient.

Is the red spot a sign of labor?

During pregnancy, your uterus produces a dark, sticky secretion to make the cervix slimy and protect the amniotic fluid from infection by closing it. This substance sometimes comes out of the uterus as a result of accumulation to prepare it for dilation and childbirth. Along with this substance, a mucous liquid is also released, which may be brown or pink in color. But when does labor pain really start? You are still a victim of sudden changes in nature. Some women notice the sign of blood just a few minutes before the pain starts, and some women after a few days. When this blood is bright red and becomes the concentration of menstrual blood, call your doctor because it may be a sign of a problem and needs immediate treatment.

Your body after delivery

The best situation is to return home after giving birth with the same weight as you had when you got a positive pregnancy test and also have the same good feeling and spirit. But unfortunately, there is no such condition and your body after giving birth is the same as before giving birth. With the difference that your belly is no longer as big as it was during pregnancy. But its size has increased compared to before pregnancy. Also, your breasts are full of milk. If you had a cesarean delivery, you will feel a little pain in that area. Every one or two hours, your sanitary napkin will get wet and your eyes will look red, and you will also feel a little pain and tiredness. had

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