Are you ready or not?! In the 32nd week of pregnancy, the birth of the baby still seems far away, but you and the children have prepared a very long way and you have prepared yourself in different ways. Now you are paying attention to your health insurance so that you can feel at ease in case of premature delivery. The 32-week fetus is now probably in a downward position. Don’t worry, you still have some time to prepare yourself mentally. Together we read the events of the 32nd week of pregnancy.
The state of the fetus in the 32nd week of pregnancy
Probably, the weight of the fetus in the 32nd week is about 1702 grams and its length is about 42.4 cm, and it has allocated most of the space of your uterus to itself. His toenails have grown and his fingernails have also grown.
If you look closely at the photo of the fetus at 32 weeks of pregnancy , you will discover how much hair your baby has! Some embryos have real hair at this stage, while others only have soft peach-like hair.
The fetus now has distinct periods of sleep and wakefulness, but sleeps about 70% of the time. In the 32nd week, the fetus can survive outside the womb with the weight it has gained. His lungs have grown and his heart rate has slowed down a bit. Research shows that the baby’s heart rate increases when the mother is under pressure, so stay calm as much as you can so that your baby is at peace. The baby’s kicks are still instinctive, in fact, he is chewing the way to the breasts from inside your belly to feed them in the future.
Height: 42.4 cm
Weight: 1702 grams
Mother’s condition in the 32nd week of pregnancy
Right now, your blood volume (blood plasma and red blood cells) is about 40-50% higher than when you were not pregnant. This change is to meet the needs of you and your child.
Also, this extra blood will compensate for the bleeding during childbirth. Your weight is increasing by half a kilogram per week, and half of this weight gain belongs to the 32-week fetus.
Important symptoms of the 32nd week of pregnancy
As the uterus approaches the diaphragm and puts pressure on it and increases the pressure on the abdomen, you may experience more heartburn or sometimes feel short of breath. To solve the problem of shortness of breath, eat your food in smaller quantities and more often (instead of three times a day) and put your feet higher than your body when sleeping. Eating smaller amounts of food also helps to relieve heartburn. As your baby grows, the appearance of your body changes as well as your center of gravity due to weight gain in the abdominal area.
Your abdominal muscles are more stretched at 32 weeks pregnant, hormones cause muscle ligaments to loosen, and the growing uterus may even put pressure on some of your nerves. These things may cause back pain or pain in your back or groin. Tell your doctor or midwife if you feel numbness or itching in your legs.
?What should we eat in the 32nd week of pregnancy
Mothers who did not gain enough weight during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, can use rice bread, pasta, potatoes, proteins and natural sugars such as dates and honey.
What is very important in this era is compliance with diversity and balance in food consumption. So, always try to use enough bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products, meat, eggs and legumes to supply the nutrients needed by your body and the developing fetus. During pregnancy, if you reduce food consumption, the fetus will suffer more than you and will lose weight.
Ultrasound of the 32nd week of pregnancy
An ultrasound test in the 32nd week of pregnancy shows that the fetus can sleep between the 32nd and 36th weeks. At this time, he has distinct periods of sleep with rapid eye movements and sleep without these movements.
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List of important tasks in the 32nd week of pregnancy
- cut your hair
- Schedule your doctor’s appointments weekly.
Leg stretching in the 32nd week of pregnancy
Your legs work all day long to carry you and your baby to and fro. When you feel cramping or pain in the leg muscles, stretch them with these movements:
Ankle Stretch: Stand and lean on something for balance or sit in a chair. Raise the sole of your right foot a few centimeters off the ground. Turn it clockwise and counterclockwise a few times. Then repeat the same movement with the other foot.
Inner Thigh Stretch: Stand next to a wall and hold your hands on the wall. Bend your left leg at the knee and lift it up. Hold the sole of your foot with your right hand and hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Then repeat the same movement with the other foot.
Outer Thigh Stretch: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your shins. Bend the right knee and lower the left rump. Stay in this position for 10 to 15 seconds and then do the same movement on the other leg.
List the help of the media
Prepare a list of names of those who want to help you after the birth. Your friends and relatives may want to help you with housework after the birth of the baby. But some women’s heads are so busy after giving birth that they can’t even ask others to do the housework! This is an important point that you should pay attention to; The first few days and weeks after the baby arrives will be really overwhelming and there are people who would really love to help you provided they know what to do and how to do it when. So get ready now; The following list can help you to delegate different tasks to the right people:
- If someone tells you that they would like to help you in the first weeks after giving birth, write down their name and contact number.
- Make sure that there are enough facilities and detergents available.
- Arrange a care plan or an outing for the rest of your children.
- Ask a neighbor or friend to help you water the pots or take care of the pet.
- Prepare a complete list of daily or multi-day grocery needs that you can give to a friend for shopping.
- Write down how to use different devices (eg washing machine or dishwasher).
- Ask a neighbor to take out your garbage at the appointed time.
Umbilical cord problems are not serious
Most umbilical cord problems do not cause any harm or serious problems for the fetus. The best way to find out about umbilical cord problems early is to pay attention to the movements of the fetus. If you notice that the fetus does not have at least 8 to 10 movements in one hour, count the number of movements in the next hour because it is possible that your fetus was asleep in the first hour and did not make any movements. If you notice that the fetus does not move or its movements are reduced, inform the doctor and ask him if it is necessary to go for an ultrasound.
The umbilical cord is a vital highway and looks like a twisted white telephone wire. This organ contains two arteries and one vein that transports oxygen and nutrients from your body to the baby. The umbilical cord grows as the fetus grows. Therefore, at the time of delivery, it may reach about 30 cm. This length allows you to hold the baby and breastfeed him while the placenta has not yet come out.
Some parents worry about umbilical cord knotting. Umbilical cord entanglement occurs when the baby passes through a loop of the umbilical cord. This problem often happens in early pregnancy because at that time the fetus is so small that it can move freely. Most of the time, the umbilical cord knot opens by itself and does not cause any obstacle to the growth of the fetus.
Calculation of delivery time in the 32nd week of pregnancy
You may have calculated your due date through the exact date of your last period, or your obstetrician may have predicted it with an ultrasound or examination of the state of the uterus. However, it is very unlikely that your baby will be born on the same day. Most women can give birth to healthy children between the thirty-seventh and forty-second weeks of pregnancy, and only 5% of pregnant women give birth at the promised time.
You and your doctor may have calculated your due date by adding 280 days, or 40 weeks, to the date of the first day of your last period. In this method, it is assumed that your menstrual periods are regular, while you may have 23 or 32-day menstrual periods instead of 28-day periods, or even your periods are completely irregular and incalculable.
So how do you know when your baby is due? This time will remain unknown until the promised day. But maybe you can guess. For example, if it is your first pregnancy, if your mother gave birth early, you will most likely give birth early.
Do not drive
In the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is not possible to drive comfortably with a fetus weighing 2 kg and a protruding belly. However, some women continue to drive until the end of the pregnancy cycle. Research shows that pregnant women are more prone to traffic accidents than other women. Researchers believe that the reason for this is the effect of pregnancy hormones that can make you dizzy and tired.
Overweight men, why?
A big belly is a common occurrence for a pregnant woman, but why does a man gain an average of 6 kg during his wife’s pregnancy? Companionship in eating foods such as small bites may be an important factor, but it is not the whole story. A more likely reason for this problem is cortisol, which is called the stress hormone and is released in large quantities during periods of anxiety. Cortisol controls blood sugar and insulin levels, so you feel hungry when you’re not. In addition, the effect of cortisol is directed to the place you guessed it, the stomach. To deal with this problem, it is better to eat healthy foods and do not forget to exercise.