PregnancyWeek BY Week

Week 14 of Pregnancy

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In the fourteenth week of pregnancy, you are more at peace with your circumstances. The fourteenth week of pregnancy will be full of emotions. Your body changes much more during these nine months than during adolescence, and the hormones of pregnancy make your emotions more prone to turmoil. But the second trimester of pregnancy is a quieter period where you regain your energy due to the subsidence of hormones. Together, we review other events of the fourteenth week of pregnancy.

The state of the fetus in the fourteenth week of pregnancy

The size of the fetus in the fourteenth week of pregnancy , from head to toe, is about 8.7 cm and almost the size of a lemon, and weighs about 43 grams. His body is growing faster than his head, and his head now sits on a more well-composed neck! By the end of this week, her hands have become longer and their size is proportional to her entire body. However, her legs need to be a little bigger to match the rest of her body. Also, gradually, a covering of very soft downy hair (called lanogo or fetal hair, which is thin, colorless and brainless) will cover his entire body. In the 14th week of pregnancy, the fetus is covered with a down-like layer, which is largely for maintaining temperature. As soon as fat accumulates under the skin during pregnancy, it takes over the responsibility of maintaining the baby’s temperature.
The fetal liver starts producing bile in the 14th week of pregnancy. This shows that the liver has a proper activity; The spleen also begins to cooperate in the production of red blood cells. She also produces urine and pours it into the amniotic fluid. This is a natural process that will continue until his birth. You still won’t be able to feel your baby move, but as you can see in the 14-week baby photo, his arms and legs, now about 1.25 cm long, have become more active and flexible.
Since the fetus’s brain has started sending nerve impulses at 14 weeks, sometimes the muscles of its face show changes that can be seen in the form of looking with half-open eyes, frowning and making emoticons. Now your baby can grasp and can also suck their thumb!
At this time, the fetus starts to produce hormones. His thyroid gland has formed and his reproductive organs are accelerating his growth. In boys, prostate glands and in girls, ovaries grow in the fourteenth week. Blood forms in the baby’s bone marrow and the lungs also do their work and prepare themselves for the first day when the baby is born.

Height: 8.7 cm
Weight: 43 grams

Mother’s condition in the fourteenth week of pregnancy

In the 14th week of pregnancy, with the gradual reduction and disappearance of early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and chest pain, you will gain more energy and feel more pleasant about the changes in your body. Your energy level is returning. From this week onwards, your appearance will gradually change, and this is because your uterus is finally coming out of the pelvic cavity and is placed in the lower part of your abdomen. Although the upper part of the uterus is only slightly higher than the pelvic bone, the same amount of growth of the baby is enough to push your belly forward a little. For some women, one of the side effects of the growth of the uterus is what the doctor calls annular ligament pain. Generally, these are pregnancy growth pains that start appearing on one or both sides of the abdomen from week 14 and may attack at any time during the second trimester. The best way to relieve this pain is to elevate your leg and stay in a comfortable position, this should ease the tension and pain.
Belly pushing is an exciting stage in pregnancy and can be a clear sign for you and your partner that you are expecting a baby. Take some time to think, fantasize and enjoy this situation.
A little worry at this time is normal; But you can still squeal with joy, because the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced as the second trimester begins. Focus now on taking care of yourself and your baby and trust that you are fully prepared for what comes next.

Important symptoms of the fourteenth week of pregnancy

Pelvic pain is one of the pains that you may experience this week because your muscles and ligaments are moving towards the growth of the child. In the 14th week of pregnancy, muscle cramps are often due to vein pain, but if you finally find a serious problem, consult a doctor.
Increased appetite happens more these days. Remember what you eat affects the development of the fetus. You should consider eating about 300 extra calories a day. But if you are 14 weeks pregnant with twins, you should get about 680 extra calories per day.
Another sign that you should look for these days is the thickening of the hair and of course its becoming more transparent.

Maybe you routinely eat too much salt, popcorn at the movies, pretzels at the park, and potato chips while watching TV. But salt consumption should be limited to 2400 mg per day. Although there is no need to limit the consumption of salt during pregnancy, its excessive consumption, especially in the third trimester, causes excessive fluid retention in the body. There is no need to completely eliminate salt from the diet, but it is good to reduce it. Do this by reading food labels.
Eating foods that contain a lot of salt, such as canned and dry soups, salty meats (hamburgers and sausages), processed meats (hot dogs, ready-to-eat meats), canned tomatoes, cheese, peanut butter, sandwiches, frozen foods, Prepare and avoid snacks like chips and puffs.
The distribution of iron and vitamin D supplements, etc., in government health centers is free for pregnant and lactating women.

Eat Kilka

In some cases, the nutritional value of this fish is higher than that of large fish, and Kilka fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus because it is consumed with bones. Kilka is high in calories due to its high fat content, and its fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K are more than water-soluble vitamins. The meat of this fish is slightly dark and richer in vitamin B compared to white fish.

Treating heartburn during pregnancy

Sour stomach, which is also known as acid indigestion or reflux, causes a burning sensation behind the sternum and sometimes a sour and bitter taste in the mouth. You feel sour because the hormones during pregnancy slow down the digestion process in your body to help the fetus absorb nutrients and water in your body.
Food moves slowly in the intestine and the emptying of the material from the stomach is delayed. Progesterone is another hormone that causes the muscles between the stomach and the esophagus to relax, and all of these factors cause stomach acids to have more time to churn and rise up.
Use the following methods to prevent heartburn:

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  • Instead of eating three meals a day, have six small meals.
  • Eat dinner 4 hours before bed.
  • Combine acidic foods such as oranges, tomatoes, and grapefruit with foods that are less acidic.
  • Pay attention to the food you consume and avoid eating what makes your stomach sour.
  • Chew a little gum after eating to increase the amount of saliva in your mouth because saliva neutralizes the acid in the esophagus.
  • After eating, sit up straight for at least an hour or sleep with a few pillows next to you.

Do not be dehydrated during pregnancy

During summer pregnancy, the amount of daily water consumption increases due to hot weather and sweating, and therefore it is not harmful to consume a lot of fluids, but when the weather is not hot, 4 to 5 glasses of water per day is enough. When the swelling of the hands and feet increases or the body weight increases suddenly, you should not drink too much water and liquids. Fruit juice, non-alcoholic drinks and buttermilk are considered suitable and enjoyable liquids.

Take refuge in waist pants

Now is the time to rush into pants with a drawstring waist! As your uterus grows to accommodate the growing fetus and the surrounding fluid, your belly will be bulging. To determine the location of your uterus, lie on your back and touch approximately 2 and a half centimeters below your navel. Pressing this point from the abdomen downward does not pose any danger to you or the fetus. Your body is an amazingly safe place for the baby, and he easily fits into the uterus and fluid into the amniotic sac. From the twelfth week of pregnancy onwards, the base of your uterus is aligned with or even under the pubic bone, and after that it rises gradually and regularly. This is a sign that the baby is growing on schedule.

The right way to sleep during pregnancy

Perhaps one of the things you have heard from those around you is that you should never sleep on your stomach or back so that the baby does not get hurt. But the truth is something else. You will notice if the position is especially harmful to you or the baby, because it is so uncomfortable that your body will automatically change its position.
The fact that you should never sleep on your stomach will only cause you discomfort. After all, there’s a baby between you and the bed, and sleeping on your stomach can feel like you’re sleeping on a football. This situation is more difficult for you than for the child. After all, your uterus is designed to protect the fetus from any harm.
It is said not to sleep on your back because there are important blood vessels on the right side of your spine. Sleeping on the back causes the weight of the uterus to fall on them and increases blood flow. By compressing one of these veins, which is called a large vein, less blood returns to the heart, and as a result, your blood pressure drops so much that it leads to sweating, dizziness, and even nausea. But there is no need to worry. Your body naturally protects you and your fetus in such a situation. When your uterus is so large that it presses on a vein, it becomes uncomfortable to sleep on your back, and your body will automatically change its position even if you are asleep. So sleep however you like. If you feel comfortable, especially in the last months of pregnancy, you can put a pillow around you to sleep more comfortably.

Heal your soul

Most women experience mood swings during pregnancy. One moment they may be laughing heartily at a joke and the next moment they are swearing at the driver who is stuck on the highway in front of them. But these mood swings are sometimes so intense that they may cause depression, anxiety or anger, which must be treated under the supervision of a therapist. What do you do if you cry for days or can’t get out of bed because of exhaustion? If you have nothing to do, whether for exercise or talking, will you be happy? If your personality changes day by day and reaches a point where others do not visit you because of your behavior and this problem lasts for some time, not a few hours but weeks and months, then your problem will be serious and it is better to consult a specialist in Talk about it.

Excess weight in the fourteenth week of pregnancy

Your fetus weighs about 60 grams at this time, so why have you gained 2 kilograms or more? It’s very simple: your body has to go through a lot of changes in order to handle a baby, and being overweight is part of those changes. For example, the amount of blood that flows in your veins during pregnancy is 40% more than before, and this is associated with 4 kg of extra weight. Your baby is also covered in about 2kg of amniotic fluid and your breasts are getting bigger as you prepare to nurse your baby. If you are overweight, you should eat less and exercise more.

List of important tasks in the fourteenth week of pregnancy

  • If you haven’t told your family and friends that you are pregnant, now is the time.
  • Tell your boss the happy news that you are pregnant.
  • Use this week’s high energy for your backlog.
  • Start taking weekly pictures of your beautiful belly.

Ultrasound of the fourteenth week of pregnancy

In the ultrasound of the 14th week, the head of the fetus is clearly visible and he may even have placed his hand on his chest.

Clarify your interactions

Get ready for the last friendly meeting with your good friends! Becoming a mother may profoundly change your relationships with others. For many women who have just had a baby, hanging out with friends is a low priority. Do whatever you can to make your relationship stronger and enjoy each other’s company. A relaxing and happy weekend with friends can be an ideal option. If this is not possible, dedicate a whole day to shopping, eating, gossiping, pampering or anything else you like to do in the company of friends or family.

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