
Why won’t my baby breastfeed?

Breast milk is the best and most complete source of nutrition for a newborn. It provides all the nutrients your baby needs in the first few months and helps strengthen their immune system. Breast milk contains antibodies, enzymes, and hormones that can’t be found in formula. Plus, breastfeeding creates a strong emotional bond between mom and baby.

Why isn’t my baby breastfeeding?

There are several reasons why a baby might refuse to breastfeed:

  1. Latch issues:
    • Your baby might be having trouble latching onto your breast correctly. This could be because of a bad breastfeeding technique or even physical challenges the baby might be facing.
  2. Illness or discomfort:
    • If your baby is sick or feeling uncomfortable, they might not feel like feeding. This could be caused by anything from a cold to a tummy ache.
  3. Change in taste:
    • Changes in your diet can affect the taste of your breast milk. If your baby notices the change, they may not want to feed.
  4. Using bottles too often:
    • If your baby is used to bottle-feeding, they might prefer the ease of sucking from a bottle and start refusing the breast.

How to encourage your baby to breastfeed?

  • Improve breastfeeding techniques: Learn the proper breastfeeding positions to help your baby latch on better.
  • Create a calm environment: Make sure the space where you’re breastfeeding is quiet and stress-free. A peaceful atmosphere can encourage your baby to feed.
  • Feed regularly: Try to offer the breast when your baby is calm and at regular intervals, so they’re more likely to accept it.
  • Massage and pump: Massaging your breasts or using a pump can stimulate milk production, making breastfeeding easier and more appealing to your baby.

What to do if your baby still won’t breastfeed?

  • Expressed breast milk: If your baby continues to refuse breastfeeding, you can pump and offer the milk in a bottle or cup.
  • Consult a specialist: If things don’t improve, it’s best to see a lactation consultant or pediatrician. They can help diagnose any underlying issues and provide useful advice.
  • Combination feeding: If needed, you can combine breast milk with formula, but it’s best to consult your doctor before doing so.


Breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby, and by taking care of your own diet and using proper breastfeeding techniques, you can boost your milk supply and encourage your baby to feed. If problems persist, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to ensure your baby can benefit from breastfeeding.

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