Since in the 29th week of pregnancy, the space for the life of the fetus is reduced, you will experience more bumps and spikes. Because your child has become stronger and responds excitedly to all stimuli, movements, sounds, light and that sweet you ate half an hour ago. Now is a good time to count your little kicks. In addition, it is better to know about some other events of the 29th week of pregnancy.
The state of the fetus in the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy
The weight of the fetus in the 29th week of pregnancy is about 1100 grams and its size is a little more than 38 cm, just like a slender pumpkin. His muscles and lungs continue to grow, and his head grows to keep up with his growing brain (which is building billions of nerve cells).
With this fast growth rate, it should come as no surprise that your baby’s nutritional needs peak during this trimester. To meet your and your baby’s nutritional needs, you need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, and calcium.
The skeleton of a 29-week-old fetus is being strengthened, and for this reason, his body needs about 200 mg of calcium every day.
In the 29th week of pregnancy, the hearing of the fetus is so complete that it jumps when hearing loud sounds. He can soon turn his head towards the sound to hear it better.
Fat storage has started under her lovely pink skin and holes are visible on her knees and elbows. If it is a girl, her birth weight will be lower than a normal boy baby. If you are going through your second or third pregnancy, you can expect that this time the baby will be heavier than the previous times.
The fetus may have its head bent towards its knees in the 29th week of pregnancy. Also, he is now so big that you feel his blows more. You can play the “guess where it is” game with your wife and, for example, clean her knees and heels from each other.
Height: 38.6 cm
Weight: 1153 grams
Mother’s condition in the 29th week of pregnancy
In the 29th week of pregnancy, you should be able to feel the movements of your fetus. Pay attention to your baby’s kicks with his elbows or legs and tell your doctor if you feel that his activity has decreased. Your doctor may ask you to count the number of fetal movements or kicks to make sure there is nothing wrong. You may experience some old complications like heartburn and constipation again. Progesterone hormone, which is released during pregnancy, relaxes and releases the muscles of your body, including the muscles of the stomach and intestines. Relaxation of the muscles in addition to the congestion in your stomach slows down the digestion of food, especially after a heavy meal may produce gas or bloating in your stomach and intestines.
Important symptoms of the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy
A small number of pregnant women from the 20th week of pregnancy onwards may suffer from the complication of “sleeping hypotension”. This condition is caused by a decrease in blood pressure, and when these women lie on their backs, their heart rate and blood pressure change, and they may even experience dizziness, and their dizziness disappears when they change their position.
You may also feel dizzy when you change positions too quickly. To avoid this complication, when you want to change the position from lying down to sitting and then to standing, do it slowly.
Carrying a fetus along with increasing your own weight and walking at night to put the baby to sleep makes you feel more tired during the day. Fight daily fatigue by maintaining maximum rest at night and more rest during the day, and protect your health and your baby’s health, especially if you work outside the home.
?What should we eat in the 29th week of pregnancy
The sudden contraction of leg muscles that usually happens at night can be a sign of calcium deficiency. Be sure to include calcium in your nutrition plan during the 29th week of pregnancy.
In more advanced stages, the reduction of calcium in the body can disrupt the natural blood coagulation system and cause excessive bleeding due to wounds or trauma.
Even if you consume enough milk and dairy products, you cannot be sure that enough calcium has reached the body because there must be enough vitamin D in the body to increase calcium absorption.
If you expose your skin to direct sunlight for 10 minutes a day, you can be sure that vitamin D has reached your body in sufficient quantity.
Of course, sunlight, which is needed for the production of vitamin D in the body, can be absorbed by light-colored clothes to a lesser degree and produce vitamin D.
Ultrasound of the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy
In the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy, the bones of the fetus become harder and its muscles are strengthened. In fact, you can tell from its strong kicks and movements that it is getting stronger every week. The bones will be visible in the 29th week ultrasound, although you cannot see them clearly. The fetus is practicing its breathing movements this week, although its veins still need more time to develop.
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List of important tasks in the 29th week of pregnancy
- If you want to organize a sesame party.
- Add high fiber foods to your daily diet to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
- Unfortunately, during this trimester, you are more susceptible to urinary tract infections than before, so if you have burning sensation when urinating, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
- Shopping will be impossible for you in the first weeks after giving birth. The following are among the things that you will need at that time. So get them now.
- Baby diapers: An average baby needs 12 diapers a day.
- Baby hygiene items such as baby nail clippers, fever pills (preferably one that is both easy to use and reliable), bubble syringe and a pacifier.
- Laundry detergents for children
- Sanitary pads for yourself (you will bleed for a few weeks after birth).
- Paper napkins, paper towels and disposable dishes so that you can quickly clean everything after eating.
An embryo that is placed head and bottom
In one of the prenatal examinations, your doctor may tell you that your baby is in the bridge position, that is, his head is in the upper part of the uterus and his legs are in the lower part of the uterus instead of being at the bottom of the uterus. Of course, this should not worry you. Many children kick their butts several times before the 36th week. Therefore, the position of the fetus will be normal until the time of delivery. If his condition does not change by the 37th week, talk to your doctor about available solutions. You may need to do certain exercises to change the position of the fetus.
Hemorrhoids in the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy
Hemorrhoids are another problem that can be caused by the growth of the uterus (as well as constipation). Hemorrhoids, which are swollen blood vessels in the anal area, are very common during pregnancy and usually disappear quickly after delivery.
If this condition is accompanied by itching or pain, you can sit in a basin or small tub of warm water (that covers the buttocks and anus) or use a hot water bag or cold compress on the site of the condition.
Also, avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Avoid taking any medication without a doctor’s prescription and inform him immediately of any rectal bleeding.
To prevent constipation, eat high-fiber foods, drink plenty of water, and exercise regularly.
Keep your balance
Balance is one of the problems you should expect. Your uterus is now so big that you can’t see your toes very well. So when you get up and stand, you can’t see the crumbs on the carpet very well.
Pregnancy also changes your price point. Before pregnancy, your weight was generally solid and cylindrical and on top of your legs, but now a significant amount of it is on your face. This price change will upset your balance. And this imbalance increases with the increase in the volume of the abdomen. In addition, the secretion of hormones also causes the hands, feet and soles to become heavier, and on the other hand, the ligaments are stretched and softened to prepare you for giving birth to a child. This process may cause a feeling of burning and itching in the fingers, and on the other hand, the increase in body fluids also leads to swelling of the hands and wrists. But this problem is only limited to the pregnancy period and will be resolved after the birth of the child.
Overcoming the fear of childbirth
Birth is an event that goes beyond a natural biological process and is essentially a romantic and creative thing that during this deep transfer a new soul enters the field of life. Even if you have given birth in the past, it is normal to feel a little fear and worry.
More than 10% of women have negative thoughts and severe fears about pain and childbirth before giving birth. If you belong to this category, you should expect a lot of tension and anxiety, which will result in symptoms such as heart palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, and nightmares.
Of course, a little stress is good for you because it releases endorphins into your bloodstream and increases your alertness when facing challenges. But when you are too scared, the muscles contract and stress hormones enter the bloodstream and the heart rate increases.
The best way to cope with childbirth is to learn not to be afraid of it. Yes, some births are accompanied by discomfort or even injuries, but there are many ways to manage the pain and relieve it, which you can do as well. All other pregnant women can use it.
The position of the bridge of the fetus in the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy
Maybe in one of the examination sessions, your doctor will tell you that your fetus is in the bridge position. Bridge means that the fetus is sitting up straight with its legs folded in the lower part of the uterus and instead the head is facing up instead of down.
Don’t let this discourage you. Many fetuses turn around in the stomach before the time of delivery and the 36th week, and turn upside down.
If the fetus is currently in the breech position, you can feel this position in your abdomen, although this position is better determined by ultrasound.
If the fetus is in the breech position, it is best to wait and see if the fetus turns in time. If the fetus does not turn before the 37th week, be sure to consult your doctor. You need special exercises and massages to move and rotate the fetus. Because in the bridge position, the possibility of damage to your fetus is higher, especially if you have a premature birth.
Steaming food in the 29th week of pregnancy
- Avoid frying foods and use them as much as possible in the form of steaming and grilling because roasting foods in addition to destroying useful nutrients also increases blood fat levels.
- Artificial sweeteners such as saccharin, which are used in many confectioneries and in cooking sweets, have many side effects, and their consumption during pregnancy may lead to baby cancer in the future.
- Foods containing illegal additives, such as some artificial colors or flavors, in addition to having side effects for you, may also be harmful to the developing fetus, so try not to use these foods as much as possible.