With the rapid growth of the fetus, you are slowly approaching the end of pregnancy. This time next month, you are holding your sweet baby, no doubt these last few weeks will seem long and slow as the 8 months you have spent, but it will pass, don’t worry, these days will go by like lightning, just be ready for these few weeks. In the 36th week of pregnancy, you should consider important things that you will read below.
The state of the fetus in the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy
The weight of the fetus in the thirty-sixth week increases every day, approximately 30 grams per day. His weight is about 2622 grams and he is about 47.4 cm long. In the 36th week of pregnancy, the nails of the fetus are so long that it can grow itself in the womb. The only organ that is not yet complete at 36 weeks of pregnancy is the fetal lungs. In this case, your child may be ready to be born this week.
Her downy hair is disappearing, as is the vernix (a relatively oily substance that covered her body and protected her skin from the amniotic fluid).
At 36 weeks, the fetus swallows all these substances along with other secretions that fall into the amniotic fluid, and these substances will remain in his stomach until birth. This black mixture, called meconium, will make up your baby’s first stool.
At the end of the thirty-sixth week, your pregnancy is complete. Babies born between the 37th and 42nd weeks are termed full-term, those born before 37 weeks are termed premature, and those born after 42 weeks are termed late.
Usually, the head of the fetus is placed downward in the 36th week of pregnancy, which is more suitable for a comfortable delivery.
If the position of your baby is not like this, the doctor or midwife will ask you to plan to change the position of the baby in the womb in the next week, some exercises will help this rotation.
It is rare that a doctor or a midwife tries to change the position of the baby in the womb by making slow and soft movements from the abdomen and turn his head down.
The placenta plays a lesser role at this time and by producing hormones makes it more independent from your body. He now has a pair of kidneys that are working well and his liver is also filtering some of the waste. But the antibodies are still provided to the baby through your bloodstream. These antibodies protect him from catching whooping cough, measles, and even colds and flu.
Height: 47.4 cm
Weight: 2622 grams
Mother’s condition in the 36th week of pregnancy
Now and in the thirty-sixth week of your pregnancy, you have gained about 11 to 14 kg, and your weight will not increase in the last weeks of pregnancy. As your baby grows and the internal organs become tighter, you may feel less hungry than you did a few weeks ago. At this stage, it will be appropriate to use lighter foods more often. As your baby moves lower and closer to the pelvis, heartburn may disappear and breathing becomes easier for you.
If this is your first pregnancy, the possibility of the baby moving lower and closer to the pelvis before delivery is more likely. However, if this happens, you will feel more pressure in the lower part of your abdomen, which will make walking and walking difficult for you.
Some women say that in this position they feel like they are carrying a bowling ball between their legs and this ball is about to fall out. Of course, don’t worry, he won’t fall out!
Braxton-Hicks contractions may also occur more often during this period. Call your doctor again and re-arrange how to contact him when you think labor has started.
The general rule is that you should call him when intermittent abdominal muscle contractions occur every 5 minutes for about an hour.
Of course, if you haven’t passed the thirty-seventh week yet and you see signs of premature labor, you should inform him immediately.
Also, if the water sac ruptures (or even if you suspect that you see secretions of amniotic fluid), a decrease in the activity of the baby, vaginal bleeding, fever, severe headaches, pain in the abdomen, or a change in vision, contact your doctor immediately. get.
Even if your pregnancy goes without serious complications or problems, it is better to avoid flying in the last month; Because labor pain is more likely to occur while flying.
Of course, many airlines do not allow women who are less than 7 days (and in some cases less than a month) from giving birth to board the plane.
Important symptoms of the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy
Do not be afraid of frequent urination and empty your bladder regularly. If your caregiver requests tests related to group B streptococci screening, do not worry, considering that the screening culture sample is prepared from the vagina and rectum.
This test is for treatment in case of infection so that the infection is not transmitted to your baby.
Like many other expectant mothers in the third trimester, at 36 weeks of pregnancy , you experience a crooked walk like a penguin. This new type of walking is not your initiative, it is related to your connective tissue, hormones make your body tissue loose and soft. This is especially important now that you are getting close to the promised day. Your baby needs to fit into your pelvic bones, so it’s good that your bones are more flexible at this stage. This is your body’s way of preparing to push a big baby out of a small place.
What should we eat in the 36th week of pregnancy?
As you get closer to the end of your pregnancy, you will feel more tired. If you drink 8 glasses of water a day, you will feel less tired. Of course, you have to accept the difficulty of going to the bathroom frequently and resist the temptation to drink less water.
Replace large meals with small amounts of heavy meals. Sweet foods will increase your blood sugar and energy and physical strength, but after it wears off, it will make you feel tired.
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Ultrasound of the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy
The ultrasound image of the fetus at the 36th week of pregnancy looks very similar to what you are going to see 4 weeks later during delivery. The face of the fetus is almost the same as when it was born. In the remaining weeks, the fetus will gain 250 grams of weight almost every week until it has a suitable weight at the time of birth.
List of important tasks in the 36th week of pregnancy
- Consult your doctor if your fetal movements have clearly decreased in the previous 24 to 48 hours. The best way to measure fetal movements is to feel 10 movements or beats within an hour, and if the number is less than 5 movements, consult a doctor.
- Review your birth plan once again with your doctor and midwife.
- Sleep and rest as much as you can because after the birth of the baby, you will be less able to rest.
- Plan the gifts you want to give to your friends and acquaintances after the baby is born.
Problems of the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy
If any of the following problems occur, call or visit a doctor/midwife:
- Vaginal bleeding or spotting (see
- Uterine contractions, more than 6 times (refer)
- Pressure on the abdomen and under the heart along with scattered contractions but with more intensity than usual (call)
- Moderate headache unresponsive to acetaminophen (see)
- Severe and resistant headache that is accompanied by dizziness, blurred vision and fainting (see quickly)
- Moderate pelvic pain (call)
- Pain with fever or bleeding (see
- Nausea Sometimes, once a day, more than 3 times a day between meals (call)
- Nausea with pain and fever (see)
- Fever and chills (see)
- Abundant watery discharge, yellow, green, gray discharge (refer)
- Sweating in the hands, face, and feet (see
- Sudden weight gain (call)
- severe shortness of breath (refer)
- severe itching (call)
- Urinary frequency with burning, fever, abdominal pain or back pain (refer as soon as possible)
Multiple pregnancy
Having one baby is scary enough, but what if there are two or more? Today, the birth of twins and triplets has increased, and the reason for this is reproductive technologies as well as the aging of mothers. But the birth of quadruplets or more rarely happens. Multiples are often born early. 60% of twins, 90% of triplets and a large percentage of quadruplets and above are born prematurely. Most twin pregnancies last 36 weeks and triplet pregnancies last 32 weeks.
The type of delivery depends on your health, the health of the child, the number of children, their weight and how they are placed in the womb. If the number of children is three or more, delivery is often performed by cesarean section.
Advice to fathers
At 36 weeks of your wife’s pregnancy, always keep your cell phone charged and carry it with you. Think about the issues related to the day of delivery and arrange your work schedule for that day. Let your boss know that she needs to be close to home during this last month. Also, talk about your work schedule after the baby is born. If you haven’t already asked for maternity leave, now is the time.
Traveling in the last days of pregnancy
Think a little more before you want to travel by plane to attend a family wedding in these final weeks of pregnancy. It is better not to go far from home so that you are close enough to the hospital in case of labor pain. One of the conditions of some insurance companies is that you must be at least one hour away from the hospital in the last month of pregnancy. You should check other rules with your insurance company advisor. If you have to travel, take a copy of your medical record along with your doctor’s phone number.
Necessary supplies for the hospital
- To go to the hospital to give birth, you must prepare some things in advance and put them in your delivery bag. Among these devices, the following can be mentioned:
- Necessary supplies: You must bring your mobile phone, your and your spouse’s ID card, and insurance booklet.
- Clothing: Bring a neat nightgown, some underwear, slippers, and a towel.
- For the child: you should also have three or four underwear, a cover or a blanket to go home with you.
Form a news agency to inform
Create a small news network: You may want to announce the birth of your baby to many people.
Write their name along with their contact number or email address in a list and give that list to one of your friends. He can spread this news in the very first moments of your baby’s birth.
In this case, you only need to make one call. Put one of your colleagues in that list so that the news can be spread in your workplace.
Ask your wife or someone who accompanies you during childbirth to take over the responsibility of the telephone notification department! He can get things started and solve potential problems.
Gestational edema in the 36th week of pregnancy
Pregnancy edema is a problem that usually occurs naturally in all women. This change, which begins at the beginning of the 34th or 35th week, happens even in women who did not have any physical problems during pregnancy.
In this situation, you will notice that your ring and ring on your finger do not rotate easily in your hand before, and you also miss your shoes.
Swelling increases during the day and reaches its peak at the end of the night. To reduce swelling at night, sit with your legs above the level of your heart.
Avoid wearing tight clothes and crossing your legs while sitting. But if this swelling is increasing and covers your face, consult your doctor because this severe swelling may be a sign of high blood pressure or the occurrence of pregnancy seizures.