PregnancyWeek BY Week

Week 26 of Pregnancy

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Although in the beginning you loved those pleasant strokes, but now and in the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, when the fetus has grown and gained more length and weight, only your moans are heard. In fact, this week the movements are so strong that your wife will easily notice them. Even if your partner rests his head on your stomach, he can hear his heartbeat . Together, in the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy . we will review other events that you should prepare yourself for

The state of the fetus in the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy

The weight of the fetus at 26 weeks is 760 grams and its body length from head to heel is about 35.6 cm. He is now 25% of his birth weight and will reach this weight in the next two months. His spine has become stronger and if he is born now, the probability of his survival is eighty percent. He is now the size of a zucchini. In the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus has the ability to breathe, give birth, and even cry. The fetal hair that had grown all over his body disappears quickly, and at the end of the seventh month, new hairs grow on his back and shoulders. His eyes have also become more sensitive and he will notice if you are somewhere where the light shines on your stomach.
The ear nerves are developing in the twenty-sixth week of the fetus, which results in a better response to different sounds. Her lungs are developing and she is breathing in small amounts of amniotic fluid with her tiny breaths. This exercise is very useful for him when he is born and when he wants to breathe air for the first time. If the gender of your fetus is male, his testicles are moving towards the scrotum, where they will reach their final destination in the next few days.

Height: 35.6 cm
Weight: 760 grams

Mother’s condition in the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy

In the 26th week of pregnancy, your blood pressure, which had dropped from the 22nd to the 24th week, may be increasing to approach its normal value.
Since preeclampsia often occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy, it is better to know more about the symptoms of this dangerous disease.
It is better to know that this disease occurs in 3 to 7 percent of pregnant women. The symptoms that may indicate this condition are: sudden swelling of the hands and face, sudden weight gain (due to lack of water excretion), blurred vision, spotting or bright spots in front of the eyes, sudden severe or intractable headaches and pain. In the upper abdomen.
Of course, your doctor or midwife will check you for this complication by controlling your blood pressure and testing the amount of protein in your urine, in each of the prenatal care visits that are necessary; However, if you see any of the above symptoms, contact him immediately. A quick diagnosis of this disease is essential to keep you and your baby healthy.
If you experience slight back pain from the 26th and 27th week of pregnancy, it may be due to the hormones during pregnancy that have weakened your joints and ligaments; Also, changing the center of gravity of your body is also effective in this condition.
Walking, standing or sitting for long periods of time, as well as bending or lifting, puts a lot of pressure on your lower back and back. A warm shower or cold compress can relieve the pain.
You may want to see a specialist for prenatal massage; If you are aware of his competence and expertise in this field, this can also be a suitable option.
When sleeping, use a pregnancy pillow and place it between your legs to protect your stomach and back. Try to keep your body in the right position to reduce the pressure on your back and be very careful when bending or lifting objects.
If you feel severe pain or numbness (numbness) in any part of your body, call your doctor immediately.

Important symptoms of the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy

The closer you get to the time of delivery, the better your sleep will be. For this reason, you should reduce caffeine consumption and do not dehydrate your body in any way.
Your swollen legs may bother you, but around the 26th week of pregnancy, the swelling of your legs will decrease, but you should be careful that if the swelling increases, you are at risk of pre-eclampsia. If the swelling of your legs is a concern, it is better to consult a doctor.
At 26 weeks of pregnancy, you are two-thirds of the way through your pregnancy and your umbilical cord is about 6.3 cm above your navel. Sometime around the middle to the end of the second trimester, a process begins in which your growing uterus swells enough to push your belly forward and cause the belly button to pop out. Although you still have a long way to go before your child is complete and full-fledged. A few months after giving birth, the navel should return to normal, although it may have a stretched appearance

?What should we eat in the 26th week of pregnancy

You may think that all fats are bad and you should eliminate them from your diet at 26 weeks pregnant, but fat is an essential and vital food for you and your baby. Including fat in the 26-week pregnancy nutrition plan provides the necessary energy for your body and brings vitamins A, K, E and D into your blood. Good fats are the unsaturated fats that raise blood cholesterol levels and are found in vegetables, nuts and dried fruits, olive oil and other plants. Bad fats also include cholesterol, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats, which are also called semi-saturated fats and are found in foods such as fatty meat, chicken skin, butter, egg yolks and full-fat dairy products. You can reduce by choosing fat-free dairy products, lean meat, fish and poultry, limiting the consumption of eggs to one per day and avoiding butter.
Nutritionists recommend eating diverse and colorful foods. Various fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and provide vitamins and antioxidants needed by the body to fight cancer, strengthen the immune system and maintain heart health. For this reason, you should include them in your diet during pregnancy.

Get your rocks off

Talk to your spouse about some personal and private issues. Do you want to circumcise your son? Do you want to feed your baby with your own milk? Will you have a special religious ceremony after the birth of your child? Do you want to spend all or part of your time with your child at home? These questions are only part of the important issues that you and your spouse should discuss and decide on. Even if you think that you agree on some issues, it is still better to talk about them so that there is no misunderstanding or resentment.

Warning signs of not exercising

If you notice any of the following symptoms, stop exercising and inform your doctor:

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  • Bleeding or discharge from the vagina
  • Difficulty breathing, even at rest
  • dizziness
  • Headache
  • Chest pain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Leg pain or swelling
  • Increased fetal movement
You have restless leg syndrome

You may have suffered from restless legs during pregnancy, a condition that gives you a mental impulse to twitch or kick in order to react to your senses with your legs. Of course, pregnancy does not cause restless leg syndrome , but the hormonal changes that occur during this time can make it worse. Restless legs are characterized by symptoms of iron deficiency or diabetes and sometimes aggravated by stress.
During the dry season, there is not much you can do to combat restless leg syndrome. Because the drugs that are available to treat it are not recommended for pregnant women. Reducing stress and walking before going to bed can help you in this regard. You can also consult your doctor about alternative medicines such as vitamin E. Anyway, this problem will be completely resolved after childbirth.

Control contractions

Braxton contractions are usually like fireballs shooting around in the abdomen. These contractions do not mean labor, but they prepare your body for labor. These mild contractions, which are felt as compression and tightening of the uterus, begin almost in the second half of pregnancy. They are irregular and last 30 seconds to 2 minutes. These contractions vary among women and different pregnancies, so that some women feel them several times during the day and some do not feel them at all. These contractions usually happen more after exercise and sex. Therefore, as your pregnancy progresses, these contractions become more intense and occur more often.

Ultrasound of the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy

Sometimes, during the ultrasound examination of the 26th week of pregnancy, doctors notice the irregularity of the baby’s heartbeat. It seems that sometimes his heart skips a beat. There is nothing to worry about. This irregularity disappears before birth and the baby will have a regular heartbeat at birth.

List of important tasks in the 26th week of pregnancy

  • Try to take a nap during the day, taking a nap will restore energy to the body, and also try to have a certain order in the schedule of sleeping and waking up.
  • If you want to go on a trip, it is better not to do it until the third trimester.
  • Perform a glucose screening test.

Drink water, at least 8 glasses

Drinking enough water during pregnancy is more important than ever. Being saturated with water prevents constipation, headache and dizziness. If you drink enough water, you will be more relaxed when you go into labor. Remember that your baby needs water to survive in the sac. Eight glasses of water a day will keep you hydrated. Drink more water if you exercise, are in hot weather, or are breathing heavily. If you drink enough water, the color of your urine will be light, otherwise, at twenty-six weeks of pregnancy, the color of your urine will be bright yellow.

Wear special socks

If you are one of those pregnant women who have varicose veins, avoid standing on your feet or walking for a long time and avoid wearing waist corsets and tight skirts and plastic stockings that come up to the waist and produce a lot of pressure.
When wearing socks, be careful to keep your legs up and pull the socks from top to bottom so that not too much blood collects in your legs. When resting, lie down on the bed or the floor and remain in that position for an hour or two while keeping your feet elevated with a pillow.

Choose a name

Choosing a name for a child can be one of the most enjoyable and wonderful parts of pregnancy. Follow these recommendations:
Talk to your spouse about the name you want to name your child. Does he want his child’s name to match his last name? Does it have ethnic and racial traditions and is willing to respect them? Share your opinion with each other.
Before talking about a specific name, discuss the components you and your partner are considering: traditional name? A name that starts with a special letter?
You can use books or websites that have lists of thousands of girl and boy names along with their meanings.
Pay attention to the fact that you and your spouse may have different tastes in choosing a name. You may want to choose the child’s name from among the 1000 names in the book of names, but your wife will pay attention to the names that her best friends from high school had, for example. There is no right or wrong way to do this. If each of you is patient with the other’s method, you can finally agree on a name together.
Think about whether or not you plan to tell others what name you choose. Do you keep it a secret or do you consider the opinion of others in your choice?
If you want to tell others, you should expect to hear answers like “I hate this name!” In high school, I was a classmate with a kid with the same name, and he was dumb in every sense of the word.

Learn the training now

Remember this saying: A child is not born with a manual. Fortunately, most hospitals and maternity hospitals organize appropriate training classes for pregnant women.
If you already know about the pain of labor and delivery, you will feel more relaxed by clarifying the things you don’t know. These classes are often held under the supervision of a nurse or midwife on the weekend. The best time to take these classes is 34 to 36 weeks of pregnancy. In this way, you can hold these classes in the remaining 4 to 6 weeks until delivery. In pregnancy training classes, you will be taught how to recognize labor pain, and you will also learn pain control methods and breathing techniques.
In addition, classes that teach baby care can be informative and fun for pregnant women who have little experience with babies.

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