During these final weeks, your child becomes the final stage. It means that the organs, skeleton and his body are well formed, but he still needs some time to reach the end of this stage and prepare to be born. These weeks are sensitive and your comfort becomes less and less in these final weeks. Together, we review other events of the 33rd week of pregnancy.
The state of the fetus in the thirty-third week of pregnancy
The weight of the fetus in the 33rd week of pregnancy is a little more than 1918 grams, and its body length (from head to heel) is about 43.7 cm. The wrinkles and also the red color of his skin have decreased. While most of the bones of the fetus are hardening at 33 weeks, his skull is still soft and the bones of the skull are not completely fused together. This will help him pass through the birth canal more easily and be born.
The hair on the head and the toenails of the fetus are fully grown in the thirty-third week of pregnancy. Amniotic fluid is now at its highest level. The fetal placenta continues to transfer oxygen to the fetus through the umbilical cord, but the fetus itself practices breathing regularly and swallows some amniotic fluid by opening and closing its mouth and diaphragm muscles. In the thirty-third week of pregnancy, the fetus continues to store iron in its liver, and the intercellular connections of its brain expand like the tiny branches of a tree. Nerve fibers and synapses grow between these brain cells to acquire the necessary skills for growth and development after birth.
Height: 43.7 cm
Weight: 1918 grams
Mother’s condition in the thirty-third week of pregnancy
You may feel pain or even numbness in your fingers, wrists and hands at 33 weeks of pregnancy.
The tissues in your wrist can swell just like any other tissue in your body. This increases the pressure in the carpal tunnel (which is a bony passage in your wrist).
The nerves that pass through this channel are under pressure, which results in complications such as numbness, itching, shooting, burning, shooting, or vague pain.
Try using wristbands or place a pillow under your arms while sleeping and keep them above your body level.
If you have to use your hands constantly at work, for example, you are a typist or you work on an assembly line in a factory, keep your arms in an extended position when resting.
If you have trouble sleeping at night, place a pillow between your legs and under your back. If this does not help you, put some pillows under your head and try to sleep in a semi-sitting position, and you can even sleep in a position where you are completely sitting on the bed and leaning on the pillows.
If the frequency of going to the toilet disturbs your sleep, drink less fluids in the evening.
For most women, sexual relations during pregnancy do not cause problems until the water sac breaks and the time of delivery arrives. However, it is recommended to have sex with a condom or not at all in the last weeks.
Important symptoms of the thirty-third week of pregnancy
Since contractions are basically a sign that you are getting close to pregnancy, these contractions in the 33rd week of pregnancy can be a warning sign or simply prepare for abortion. It is completely normal to feel hot during the 33rd week of pregnancy because as a pregnant mother your metabolism is very high. Shortness of breath is completely normal, especially if you are pregnant with twins in the 33rd week of pregnancy. Imagine the breathing space you will find after giving birth.
?What should we eat in the 33rd week of pregnancy
Add milk to the feeding program in the 33rd week of pregnancy. Drink more milk this week because if you drink enough milk, you will easily get enough calcium for you and your fetus, but if you don’t drink enough milk, you can get calcium in the following ways:
- Add low-fat or fat-free cheeses to salads or cooked vegetables.
- Use fat-free yogurt as the main ingredient to prepare the sauce.
- Add non-fat dry milk to your meals.
- Eat calcium-rich vegetables such as broccoli, mustard greens, kale, and okra.
- Drink hot cocoa with chilled milk instead of water.
- Eat calcium-fortified soy foods such as soy milk and soy cheese.
You know that all the nutrients, vitamins and healthy foods you consume reach the fetus. Water helps nutrients to be absorbed in the cells, and vitamins transfer minerals and hormones to the blood cells. These blood cells are rich in nutrients that nourish the fetus. You should drink 12 to 13 glasses of water daily during the 33rd week of pregnancy. Drinking water prevents constipation, hemorrhoids and urinary infection.
Fetal brain development in the thirty-third week of pregnancy
At the end of this three-month period, the size of the fetal brain will be three to four times its initial size. The fetal brain needs more nutrients to be able to grow at this rate. One of these nutrients is DHA, which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid and is often found in fish. This vital substance helps to enlarge fetal brain cells and develop nerves and communication ways. Fatty acids are concentrated in the fetal brain during the third trimester of pregnancy. So now is the best time to boost the DHA level of the fetus by consuming fish, canola oil or flaxseed oil.
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Accept the difference
If you put together six pregnant women who were pregnant at the same time and gained the same weight, you will see differences among them.
One’s belly is up, one is down, and the other is only visible from the front of her pregnancy. while the other shows her pregnancy from all sides.
One’s belly is completely protruding while the other’s belly is completely flat and it seems that she is not pregnant at all.
The external shape of the abdomen is completely different due to the size and position of the fetus, the height and structure of the body and the area where you have gained weight.
Ultrasound of the thirty-third week of pregnancy
The brain of your fetus is still growing and developing in the thirty-third week of pregnancy. In the ultrasound image of the thirty-third week, the blood flow to a part of the fetal brain is determined, and it shows that in this way, the two parts of the brain are connected with each other.
List of important tasks in the 33rd week of pregnancy:
- Avoid activities that aggravate shortness of breath and rest after exercise.
- Avoid being in very hot environments and don’t wear tight clothes.
- Do not slouch, sit straight and walk straight.
- When sleeping, raise your head slightly using a pillow and rest on the left side. Usually, the breathing problem worsens when lying on the back.
Wash your baby’s clothes and bedding
Do you remember the beautiful clothes you bought for your baby or received at a party? You should wash anything that will come in contact with your baby’s delicate skin to remove any irritants that may be in the taropod.
The mildest detergents that are suitable for this task are soap powders and detergents for children, detergents that are hypoallergenic and detergents that are labeled: for sensitive skin.
Omega 3 in the thirty-third week of pregnancy
At the end of the third trimester, the brain of the fetus has grown three to four times in the first week of the third trimester.
The brain of the fetus needs extra food for its growth and mutational function during this period. One of the most important foods for brain nutrition is omega-3 fatty acid, which is often found in fish.
This vital substance helps in the growth of brain cells and the protective myelin coating that accelerates the production of communication pathways in the brain.
Therefore, it is a good opportunity to help increase the level of omega-3 fatty acids in the brain of the fetus by consuming fish, canola oil or oil seeds.
Pay attention to your mental health
Now and in the final stages of pregnancy, in addition to the principles of care and nutrition, to have a comfortable life after the birth of the child, pay attention to these points:
- Free reading : Have a number of different novels or magazines available that you can read until your baby’s eyelids close and fall asleep.
- Water: Always carry a bottle of water with you, especially in the car or while walking, you might get stuck somewhere and water is not available to drink. Drinking plenty of water helps lactating mothers produce more milk.
- Reading lamp: If you want your child to be calm when you read, put a reading lamp next to your chair or bed for when you wake up to feed the baby.
- Soft music: Many babies and mothers feel more alive when they listen to soothing sounds like the sound of the ocean, especially while falling asleep.
- Removing stains: Once your baby is born, you will have to wash more clothes. Preparing a stain remover will help your baby’s clothes to always be fresh and clean.
Preparing the clothes needed by the baby
It is better to gather your attention these last weeks and make a list of the clothes we need for him. Be careful that you may get a lot of clothes as a gift, so don’t overdo it.
The things you need are:
- 5 to 7 pieces of one-piece clothes: clothes that are easy to wear and wash. These clothes are suitable for home.
- 5 to 7 pieces of undershirt: depending on the season, it can be short or long sleeved. Choose undershirts that are two pieces and are connected with a zipper.
- A pair of cotton gloves: when the baby shakes his hand, he may scratch his skin with his nails, and gloves prevent this.
- Two one-piece pants
- Five pairs of stockings
- Two or three clothes outside
- A sun hat with a chin strap
- Warm clothes for outside including jackets, vests and hats
Rest in the thirty-third week of pregnancy
With hormonal changes, midnight rushes to the bathroom, leg cramps, heartburn, and your big belly at 33 weeks pregnant, it’s no wonder that a good night’s sleep is out of reach. Third trimester insomnia attacks three out of four pregnant women. In the 33rd week of pregnancy, your body needs rest, so remember that neither worrying nor staring at the clock and passing minutes will help. Instead, do your best to be comfortable. Try a warm bath and maybe a cup of warm milk before bed and avoid exercising, eating and drinking too close to bedtime and ask your partner for a massage.
Pregnancy forgetfulness
Again, hormones can be blamed, this time targeting your memory and damaging it. Lack of sleep quality can also play a role in this. All these big and exciting changes in this period of your life can affect your brain’s concentration power. Also, research has shown that Shamna’s brain really functions differently during pregnancy and the activity in the part of the brain that is related to emotional skills increases. On the other hand, the volume of your brain cells actually decreases during the third trimester of pregnancy, but there is no need to worry and your brain will return to its previous condition only a few months after pregnancy.