The increase in the size of your belly is a sure sign that your child is getting bigger every day and now weighs approximately 1.3 kg. In the next 7 weeks, he will gain approximately 226 grams of weight per week. In the 30th week of pregnancy, you can be sure that most of the fetal organs have grown and the fetus is gaining weight every day. We will review the other events of the 30th week of pregnancy together.
The state of the fetus in the thirtieth week of pregnancy
The size of the fetus at 30 weeks is slightly more than 39.9 cm, and the weight of the fetus at 30 weeks of pregnancy is about 1319 grams and it is the size of a green cabbage. The amniotic fluid around a 30-week-old fetus is about 700 grams, but after this state of the fetus passes in the 30th week of pregnancy , your fetus will grow and occupy a larger volume of the uterus, and as a result, the volume of the amniotic fluid around it will decrease. His eyes open and close, the fetus at 30 weeks is able to distinguish between darkness and light and can even follow the movement of a light source back and forth. Just like the photo of a 30-week-old fetus, when your sweetheart is born, she will keep her eyes closed most of the day. But when he opens his eyes, he can react to changes in light. But the visual accuracy of a 30-week-old fetus is only one-twentieth, that is, it can only accurately recognize objects that are only a few centimeters away from its face. Normal vision in adults for healthy people is equal to twenty-twentieth. The fetus continues to absorb nutrients through the mother’s body to develop its growth in the last trimester. Calcium for bones, protein for muscles and iron for the production of blood cells. Therefore, he may feel more tired or anemic at this time. The brain of the fetus is partially fully developed, but its growth and the development of connections and branches and memory still increase the speed of fetal growth. Now that the brain and the new fat cells of the fetus regulate its body temperature, the fluff (that soft and fluffy hair) that covers your little body will gradually disappear. There is no longer any need for that downy covering, but when the baby is born, you may see some traces of down on the baby’s back and shoulders.
Height: 39.9 cm
Weight: 1319 grams
Mother’s condition in the thirtieth week of pregnancy
Many early pregnancy complications that you thought you had left behind come back to haunt you, such as the constant need to urinate, painful breasts, bruising and heartburn due to pregnancy. After going through thirty weeks of pregnancy, now you may be a little tired these days, especially if you suffer from sleep problems or insomnia. You may also not be able to walk or carry objects properly. This situation is completely understandable in the 30th week of pregnancy. Due to the hormones of pregnancy, you have gained weight, you have lost your balance, and your joints have become loose. This can cause your shoe number to increase as well; And of course it is possible that this change is permanent.
Indigestion is one of the most common problems during pregnancy. The reason for that is the same pregnancy hormones that have caused the muscles in your pelvic area to relax to facilitate childbirth. As a result, food and digestive enzymes can rise from your stomach to your chest and throat. The growing uterus now puts pressure on the stomach, only making the situation worse.
Important symptoms of the thirtieth week of pregnancy
Remember your rapid mood swings early in pregnancy? The complications that are happening to you now, in addition to hormonal changes, may cause the conditions of the first months to come back to you. You may be worried about what your child will look like or whether you will be a good parent. These concerns are normal. But if you can’t overcome these situations and get out of worry, or you’re too anxious and irritable, talk to your doctor or midwife.
You may be one of the 10% of pregnant women who experience mild to moderate depression during pregnancy.
Just when you think it can’t get any worse than this, you might feel itching and burning in your hands, especially in your thumbs and first three fingers. In this case, Chinese characters or holding a water bottle are associated with pain, and this pain may spread to the wrists, neck or even shoulders. This is another side effect of swelling of the body. The swelling of the tissues in this area puts pressure on the nerve fibers and causes burning and itching like sticking a needle or a burning sensation.
What should we eat in the 30th week of pregnancy?
If you feel full before finishing the main meal, it is completely normal because you are in the 30th week of pregnancy and the volume of your stomach has become more limited and the stomach is looking for empty space. Fortunately, you can use healthy snacks and snacks throughout the day because they provide nutrients for the baby. For nutrition in the 30th week of pregnancy, you need the properties of potatoes, of course, it is better to prepare them in boiled or oven form, and even if possible, avoid using them in fried form. If you wash the potato well and cook it with the skin, its nutritional properties will be preserved more. Try to use lemon juice, orange juice, low salt water and olive oil instead of mayonnaise for salad or mix some yogurt with these ingredients and use it as a salad dressing. If you are still wondering what to eat in the 30th week of pregnancy, we must say that you should include curd in your diet. It is a rich source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron, and you can use it alone or mixed with a variety of foods. Of course, be sure to use pasteurized curd and boil it for 5 to 10 minutes before use.
Ultrasound of the thirtieth week of pregnancy
The ultrasound image in the 30th week of pregnancy shows the characteristics of the fetus and the condition of each organ. The fetus now looks very similar to the face it had when it was born, with its small lips and nose. The hand of the fetus is placed in front of his eyes and as if he has placed his hand on his forehead.
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List of important tasks of the 30th week of pregnancy
- Ditch the high heels because your balance has already changed. Avoid falling by wearing flat heeled shoes and being careful with your steps.
- Your belly will burn from the stretching of the skin, scratching will make it worse! You can use a moisturizing cream before going to bed to prevent itchy stomach.
- Count the number of fetal kicks.
- Pack your birthing bag.
- Learn about early labor symptoms.
Increased vaginal secretions in the thirtieth week of pregnancy
The increase in uterine secretions in the 30th week of pregnancy is very normal, especially in the last months. These discharges are often milky and non-boosting, and in the third trimester, they may be so heavy that you have to change your underwear several times a day or use lined underwear. Avoid using substances that eliminate the odor of the vagina, scented soaps, and washing the inside of the vagina with a water shower because all these things can disturb the bacterial balance of the vagina and lead to infection. Avoid wearing lined underwear because it keeps moisture on the skin. If you notice that your vaginal discharge looks different or smells fishy, ask your doctor to check it out. Vaginal discharge should often not be clear, this condition may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. During pregnancy, even the simplest issues should not be neglected.
Do not overeat
Hunger is only one of thousands of reasons to eat. Nervous and emotional reasons may send you to the refrigerator for several times. Especially in the third month, i.e. 30 weeks of pregnancy, when your mental tension increases, you may overeat. If you eat when you are stressed and worried, your weight will increase and you will stress again why your weight is increasing and you will eat again and this cycle continues. To avoid getting caught in this cycle, write down everything you eat, when you eat it, and how you feel after eating it. After a week, go to the office and look for signs that you are overeating. By discovering these factors, look for alternatives to them. For example, if loneliness makes you eat a lot, make a list of things you can do instead of eating.
Cord blood bank
The big day is coming and now a big question: what is umbilical cord blood and should you consider keeping this rich resource in the umbilical cord blood bank or donate your child’s umbilical cord blood? Umbilical cord blood is what remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after birth. Cord blood is a rich source of stem cells. These cells, which are genetically unique for each child, are the building blocks of blood, organs, tissues and the immune system, and include stem cells that can treat some blood diseases and immune system disorders. Promising research is underway to determine if these stem cells can be used to treat other conditions as this science is just emerging. A safe and painless procedure is to draw blood right after the baby is born. You can maintain these cells privately for a significant annual maintenance fee. If you want to do this, you should talk to your doctor about it so that the necessary preliminary work can be done.
Don’t forget the pillow
To rest during this period, lie on your side, bend your legs and place a pillow between them and place another pillow under your stomach. By placing a pillow under your stomach, you create a support for your body and in this way the pressure on your back is reduced. Try to lie down for 20 minutes after lunch, and if you don’t have time to sleep during the day, rest at least 5 minutes every hour and raise your legs.
Prepare your child’s belongings
This can be a good option for your spouse or a friend who wants to help you. Preparing a manual crib and a manual stroller can be a good place to start, as putting together their various parts is a rather difficult task. Devices such as baby swings, crib hangers, wireless specials, and baby monitors (which allow you to see where your baby is or listen to his/her voice) may require batteries. So make sure you have enough batteries.
Be careful with the water bag
The sac of water is a part of the placenta that contains the fluid that protects the fetus and the fetus itself. The water bag, like the placenta, has nothing to do with the mother and the fetus and is thrown away after delivery. But there is a possibility of spontaneous rupture of the water bag and delivery in the 30th week of pregnancy and before the due date. If the bag breaks, liquid water will come out drop by drop or in large volume and suddenly. If you suspect that the water bag has ruptured, you should see your doctor or midwife immediately. According to the gestational age, if this happens to you in the thirtieth week of pregnancy, you will be admitted to the hospital and with the help of special serums, they will try to give birth to the baby as naturally as possible.