PregnancyWeek BY Week

Week 13 of Pregnancy

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Welcome to the pregnancy honeymoon! At this stage you will have more appetite for food and more desire for life. Nausea stops and your appetite and energy increase. Also, with a slight increase in the curvature of the abdomen, you will have more sex than ever. In addition, you enjoy the world around you and living in it more. The most exciting development at this stage is when you feel your baby move. At first, the movements are very subtle and you feel like your stomach is being stroked with a paint brush. But soon it turns into stronger kicks that your partner can feel as well.

The state of the fetus in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

Although your fetus is still very small at 13 weeks pregnant, your belly will probably be so big soon that everyone will know you are pregnant! Your baby is still getting the oxygen he needs, but his lungs are opening and closing and his chest muscles are working. The placenta of the fetus continues to work alongside him and produces hormones and blood cells.
The skin of the fetus is now more impermeable to moisture in the 13th week, the heartbeat of the fetus slows down, but it is strong enough that you can hear it during the meetings you go to the doctor before delivery.
In fact, the fetus in the 13th week of pregnancy is about 7.4 cm long, which is the size of a large shrimp, and weighs about 23 grams.
Regardless of the size of the organs relative to each other, your baby’s body is fully formed inside the womb. Compared to a few weeks ago, the size of your baby’s organs has become more proportionate and his head is about one-third of his body size.
His little fingers (each with a unique fingerprint) are in their place. Her kidneys and urinary tract are working, and she’s passing urine into the amniotic fluid (which she’s already swallowing).
With the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, the sensitive and critical part of your baby’s development is over and the possibility of miscarriage is greatly reduced.

Height: 7.4 cm
Weight: 23 grams

Mother’s condition in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

Now you must celebrate; The 13th week of pregnancy is the last week of the first trimester! Next week, you’ll be in your second trimester.
This issue is very important for two reasons: firstly, the possibility of miscarriage is greatly reduced, and secondly, in most pregnant women, the early symptoms of pregnancy (such as morning sickness) disappear. However, in some cases, heartburn replaces nausea.
Although there are several months left until the birth of your baby, your breasts may be producing colostrum or colostrum; A highly nutritious substance that provides food for your baby in the first days of his birth, while there is still a lot of time left until milk flows from the breasts.
Also, many couples experience an increase in sex drive in the second trimester, as nausea subsides and body energy increases.

What should we eat in the thirteenth week of pregnancy?

Dietary sugars found in different types of food include milk lactose, fruit fructose and added sugars such as sugar, corn syrup and dextrose.
Don’t confuse them with labels that say “no added sugar” because that product definitely contains some natural sugar. Therefore, since these foods contain some natural sugar, they raise your blood pressure.
Excessive caffeine consumption can be dangerous, especially during the first trimester when the fetal organs are forming and the risk of miscarriage is high. But after passing this very critical period and reaching the second trimester, you should not disturb the balance of your consumption. The interesting thing is that the fetus now notices the taste of the food that the mother eats, and this can affect its food preferences in the future.

Consumption of carrots and peppers during pregnancy

Carrots and red peppers contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for the development of the eyes, skin, bones and organs of the fetus. It is a good source of vitamins B6 and C and fiber, which also helps with bowel movements. Chopped carrot pieces can be used in most dishes, along with a little olive oil, garlic and lime. Be careful about taking vitamin A in different forms. This vitamin is found in some supplements, fortified foods, medicines and skin products. Unlike beta-carotene, which is completely safe during pregnancy, very high levels of vitamin A increase the risk of birth defects in various ways.

Exercise in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

 If you haven’t exercised much during the first trimester, don’t worry, you can start now with your doctor’s approval. Walking is a very useful activity, especially for people who are not athletes and did not exercise before pregnancy. If you were jogging, swimming, or going to aerobics classes before pregnancy, you can continue the same activities now. If your body is not ready, exercise slowly first. Listen to your body. When you feel ready, go back to your pre-pregnancy fast and continue. You may notice that you are short of breath while exercising because you are exercising instead of two people.

Important symptoms of the 13th week of pregnancy

A relatively large group of pregnant women complain of itchy skin in different areas. Itching covers the skin area of ​​the abdomen and hands and feet more than other places. The cause of itching may be related to the body’s sensitivity to pregnancy. In order to relieve itching, a warm shower is useful in winter.
In the second trimester, you will have signs of high energy. As pregnancy wears off, you feel that your energy has increased. Now is the time to think about a regular fitness program. Exercising will help you and the baby in your belly and will make delivery easier for you.

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Ultrasound of the 13th week of pregnancy

Usually, the ultrasound in this week shows the fetal head to the right. In this week, ultrasound may determine the gender of the fetus or not. But his legs are clearly visible as he bends his knees. By measuring the fetal CRL in this ultrasound, the exact age of the fetus can be determined.

List of important tasks in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

  • Think about the name of your child and discuss some options with your spouse.
  • Start sleeping on one side little by little.
  • Look for a good pediatrician so that you can feel at ease after the birth.
  • Eat small meals intermittently to avoid heartburn.
  • You can borrow maternity clothes from friends or other family members and save the purchase cost for other things.
  • This trimester is coming to an end and along with this time, sexual desire will increase, but if you have a history of premature birth or miscarriage, it might be better to consult a doctor.
  • Plan to go to the first ultrasound with your partner.

Keep germs away from you

Some foods are contaminated with a large number of bacteria and all types of microbes and can cause illness in the mother and in some cases even cause miscarriage or birth defects in the fetus, which you should avoid consuming.
Listeria is a rare bacteria that may be found in: soft cheese, unpasteurized milk, cooked baked foods that are eaten cold, meatballs that contain meat, ready-to-eat cooked meats, and undercooked chili meat dishes.
This bacteria is naturally destroyed under the pasteurization temperature, but if the contaminated food is stored in the refrigerator, the bacteria will continue to grow and multiply.

Take care of your teeth

Who wants to go to the dentist during pregnancy when there are so many exciting things to do? It may seem overwhelming, but taking care of yourself and your baby’s health is an activity you do for your child’s sake. Pregnancy affects your teeth and gums like any other part of your body. So taking care of your teeth during these months means protecting yourself and your child, not trying to have a beautiful smile. Yes, pregnancy even affects your mouth. You eat more food during this period and pregnancy hormones also cause the gums to become swollen, softer and more sensitive. All of these factors make you more exposed to inflammation and swelling and create a condition called gingivitis. Half of all pregnant women suffer from this problem. Gingivitis caused by pregnancy is caused by sticky plaques of colorless membranes that form on the teeth and cause their decay.

Divide the housework

It is possible that your wife entertains herself with the computer while you are doing housework and this is beyond your tolerance. This makes you think that even though your wife also works at home, you do most of the hard and tiring work at home. This situation cannot always be changed. If you quit your job and stayed at home, your wife will expect you to do more housework, not less. Research shows that in homes where both husband and wife work outside the home, the woman does most of the work. Also, if you have another child, most of his work should be done by the mother of the family.
But now is the time to divide the household chores and responsibilities more fairly. If you are currently doing most of the house cleaning and laundry, prepare a list of household chores and divide it between you and your spouse. As if you want to start a group to do a project.
If there is a certain task, such as ironing clothes or cleaning the bathroom, that you both hate, you can sometimes assign it to someone else. Saving more money is very important to you, especially now that you have a child on the way. If you want to leave the work to the employee and pay for his services, later when the child comes home and the work increases, you will have to set aside more money for this work and your life will be disrupted.

Now you can paint his room

If you have been waiting to paint your little room, you can do it now and at the beginning of the thirteenth week of pregnancy. Most paints, including plastic paint, do not contain lead or mercury, so you can do this without any risk. Frequent hand movements with a brush can hurt your back, so ask your partner to help you hold it. As a precaution, leave the window open while painting to let the paint steam escape. Avoid climbing ladders or even standing on stools. Since your balance point changes during pregnancy, you are more likely to fall. Avoid oil paints and any paint thinners, as they contain solvents and are often toxic.

Genetic testing in the 13th week of pregnancy

It is better to consult a doctor so that if you need to do a special screening, do it this week. From week 11 to 14, an ultrasound may be performed to evaluate the fetus to determine the amount of fluid behind the neck of the fetus. This is problematic in fetuses with Down syndrome. Three types of blood tests can be done for pregnant women, which are used for different types of genetic abnormalities, including Down syndrome, trisomy 18, and spina bifida. The tests include:

  • Consecutive screening: between 10 and 13 weeks and again between 15 and 20 weeks. This screening is recommended for 6 fetal proteins. This test is able to identify 92% of Down syndrome pregnancies.
  • Integrated serum screening: In this test, the mother’s blood is tested for 6 proteins in weeks 10 to 13 and again in weeks 15 to 20. This test detects 88% of Down syndromes.
  • Quadruple screening: performed during weeks 15 to 20. This test is performed for four fetal proteins and has a 79% chance of identifying Down syndrome. Women who have not had the first two screenings should have this test
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