PregnancyWeek BY Week

Week 6 of Pregnancy

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In the sixth week of pregnancy, week by week, pregnancy is still a new phenomenon for you, and therefore it is natural that you are still dominated by excitement and emotional feelings. But to all these good feelings, add some unpleasant pregnancy symptoms that occur due to hormonal fluctuations. Maybe that’s exactly why you need 9 whole months to set up your pregnancy. Of course, this is because the fetus has many needs. Together, we review other events of the sixth week of pregnancy.

The state of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy

In the sixth week of pregnancy, the body of your fetus is forming, and the cells that will later form the organs and systems of his body are dividing rapidly. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the nervous system of the fetus is forming, and for this reason it is very necessary to take folic acid , because it prevents neural tube defects from happening.
The size of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy is just like a small lentil seed (with an approximate width of 4 to 5 mm). If you could see inside your womb, you would see a large head and a few dark spots that will form his eyes and nose.
Two small holes on both sides of the head are where the ears are formed, and his hands and feet can be seen as small protrusions.
The hands and feet of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy look like a fish fin with a thick membrane between the growing fingers; But his fingers and toes will soon be separated from each other.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, week by week, pregnancy is still a new phenomenon for you, and therefore it is natural that you are still dominated by excitement and emotional feelings. But to all these good feelings, add some unpleasant pregnancy symptoms that occur due to hormonal fluctuations. Maybe that’s exactly why you need 9 whole months to set up your pregnancy. Of course, this is because the fetus has many needs. Together, we review other events of the sixth week of pregnancy.

The state of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy

In the sixth week of pregnancy, the body of your fetus is forming, and the cells that will later form the organs and systems of his body are dividing rapidly. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the nervous system of the fetus is forming, and for this reason it is very necessary to taske folic acid , because it prevents neural tube defects from happening.
The size of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy is just like a small lentil seed (with an approximate width of 4 to 5 mm). If you could see inside your womb, you would see a large head and a few dark spots that will form his eyes and nose.
Two small holes on both sides of the head are where the ears are formed, and his hands and feet can be seen as small protrusions.
The hands and feet of the fetus in the sixth week of pregnancy look like a fish fin with a thick membrane between the growing fingers; But his fingers and toes will soon be separated from each other.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, under the hole that will later become her mouth, there are small folds that will eventually become the neck and lower jaw. Inside his body, the tongue and vocal cords are forming.
At 6 weeks pregnant, your baby’s heart, which has begun to divide into left and right chambers, is beating about 150 times per minute (almost twice as many as your heart beats per minute) and blood has begun to flow through its body.
The lungs of a 6-week-old fetus are developing, and small air passages gradually appear in what will later become his lungs. The production of muscle cells has begun, and soon, your baby will begin to wiggle its little limbs. Unfortunately, you have to wait until a few weeks after the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy to be able to moving ! enjoy the feeling of your fetus

Mother’s condition in the sixth week of pregnancy

If you haven’t experienced this feeling until the sixth week of pregnancy , you will soon find yourself in the turbulent path of pregnancy emotions. You may be grumpy one day and happy the next! Although these conflicting feelings may be troubling to you (especially if you used to pride yourself on being in complete control of your emotions), these feelings are completely normal and may continue throughout your pregnancy.
These conflicting feelings occur due to changes in the amount of hormones and usually due to the high amount of hormones. Apart from the discussion of hormones, your whole life is also changing and who doesn’t get emotional in this situation?!

Do not forget to take supplements

:After 6 weeks of pregnancy, design a regular schedule for taking supplements

  • Place supplements in a medicine box that has separate compartments for each day of the week.
  • Every day you doubt whether you have taken the supplements of that day or not, check the container for that day.
  • Place the medicine box next to your toothbrush to remind you to take the supplement every night when you brush your teeth.

What should we eat in the sixth week of pregnancy?

It is true that there is no need to gain significant weight in the first trimester of pregnancy, but if pregnant, you are not it is better to pay attention to protein. Protein is one of the main elements for building a baby’s body. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus needs protein for its cells and organs, and the mother needs protein to have a “pair”.
The body of pregnant women needs an additional 10 grams of protein, that is, instead of the 50 grams of protein that non-pregnant women need, you need 60 grams of protein. Try to use low-fat or saturated fat-free foods to get the protein you need. For example, use lean cuts of veal and skinless chicken.

  • :Some examples of protein-rich foods
  • 100 grams of chicken without skin and bones: 30 grams of protein

  • 115 grams of charcoal hamburger with beef: 30 grams of protein

  • 115 grams of tuna: 25 grams of protein

    Mamanaplus 1738654347.png Also Read: Understanding Pregnancy Symptoms: From Ectopic to Molar P...

  • 215 grams of fat-free yogurt: 12 grams of protein

  • 215 grams of skim milk: 8 grams of protein

  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter: 8 grams of protein

  • 1 egg: 8 grams of protein

  • How much water to drink in the sixth week of pregnancy?
  • In the sixth week of pregnancy, you should drink 8 glasses of water a day , and if you vomit more often, increase the number of glasses a day. Water is the best drink because in the second trimester of pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 40%, which is about 4% of your pregnancy weight. But you start drinking water from the first weeks.
  • This volume of extra blood is responsible for transporting and delivering the necessary nutrients to the fetus and helps your kidneys eliminate waste materials. Drinking water lowers the risk of bladder, urinary tract and kidney infections and prevents constipation during pregnancy .
  • Important symptoms of the sixth week of pregnancy
  • Since you are still pregnant, you may not experience some of the symptoms, but in general, you are likely to experience the following symptoms starting this week:
  • Nausea: Nausea is one of the symptoms of the sixth week of pregnancy. You are not the only one who experiences nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy is usually accompanied by nausea, which doctors call morning sickness . The main cause of these nauseas is the increase in pregnancy hormones, along with the strengthening of the sense of smell. You might think that these morning sicknesses can harm the fetus, but they rarely have harmful effects on the fetus. It is better to avoid foods and smells that make you nauseous and eat your food in the room away from the unpleasant smell.
  • Appetite changes: Appetite changes are very evident this week, so that you may not like some foods at all and on the contrary, you may crave some strange foods .
  • Abdominal bloating and constipation: Progesterone hormone during pregnancy can cause this problem. Drinking plenty of water and foods with plenty of fiber will prevent this from happening.
  • Fatigue: You feel extremely tired because your body has not yet adjusted to the hormonal changes. Add a short break in the middle of the day to your schedule so that you can get the necessary energy.
  • Spotting: Hormonal changes may cause spotting in pregnancy . It is better to talk to your doctor or midwife when spotting occurs and get useful advice to solve this problem, but sometimes this bleeding may be the first signs of miscarriage. If you notice spotting or bleeding, call your doctor or midwife right away to determine if these are signs of a potential problem.
  • Abdominal bloating, breast swelling, frequent urination and mood changes are among other symptoms that may appear in the sixth week of pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes in the sixth week of pregnancy
  • During pregnancy, there are changes in some specific hormones that we review:
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin: After implantation, your body starts to secrete the hormone chorionic gonadotropin or HCG. HCG is present in blood and urine and is the way to diagnose pregnancy. HCG is responsible for regulating estrogen and progesterone and causes frequent urination.
  • Progesterone: Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum or corpus luteum, and its level increases during pregnancy and remains at this level until the birth of the baby. In early pregnancy, progesterone is responsible for increasing uterine blood flow, creating the placenta, and stimulating the growth and production of endometrial nutrients. Progesterone also plays a vital role in the development of the fetus because it prevents premature birth and strengthens the muscles of the pelvic wall and prepares for childbirth.
  • Human placental lactogen: This hormone causes changes in the breast that are necessary for breastfeeding after birth. It also plays an important role in increasing the level of nutrients in the blood and as a result the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Corticotropin-releasing hormone: Corticotropin-releasing hormone is not only responsible for determining the duration of pregnancy, but also responsible for fetal growth and development. In pregnancy, the increase of corticotropin and cortisol hormones develops the organs of the fetus.
  • Estrogen: Estrogen is responsible for the development of fetal organs and placental function and preparation of breasts for lactation. In addition, estrogen is also needed to regulate other hormones produced during pregnancy. It is due to the increase of estrogen and of course progesterone that among the symptoms of pregnancy we can mention mood changes and morning sickness.
  • Relaxin: This hormone relaxes the mother’s muscles, ligaments, and joints to allow the uterus to grow and prepare the body for childbirth. Relaxin can cause physical symptoms such as pelvic pain, balance problems, and constipation.
  • List of important tasks in the sixth week of pregnancy
  • Tests such as blood group, RH, iron level and some genetic disease tests and…

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections, for which tests must be performed to determine the HIV virus, chlamydia, etc.

  • Urine test to evaluate high blood sugar levels and types of infection

  • Watch out for infection
  • Since pregnancy is an extraordinary and critical situation and women are more vulnerable at this stage, it is necessary to take extra care of yourself. Avoid contact with people with infectious diseases, traveling in public and crowded and closed places and places where there is a possibility of contamination, using food prepared outside the home, and in general, situations that endanger the health of the mother and the fetus, because Treatment of pregnant women will be more difficult due to the special conditions of pregnancy and restrictions on the prescription of drugs.
  • Religious recommendations of the sixth week of pregnancy
  • Try to keep calm and don’t get angry at all times. Don’t forget to read the Quran and listen to the Quran tape daily if you are tired or unable to do so.
  • Take care of your emotions and keep them under control. Avoid disputes, long discussions, fights, and quarrels because all these situations affect the fetus and this effect will not disappear.
    The emotional pressure of a pregnant mother in the long term, whether it is caused by marital problems or negative opinions about having a child or unfortunate life events, will have negative results for the child. We have told you how the mother’s anxiety will affect the fetus
  • In the sixth week of pregnancy, under the hole that will later become her mouth, there are small folds that will eventually become the neck and lower jaw. Inside his body, the tongue and vocal cords are forming.
    At 6 weeks pregnant, your baby’s heart, which has begun to divide into left and right chambers, is beating about 150 times per minute (almost twice as many as your heart beats per minute) and blood has begun to flow through its body.
    The lungs of a 6-week-old fetus are developing, and small air passages gradually appear in what will later become his lungs. The production of muscle cells has begun, and soon, your baby will begin to wiggle its little limbs. Unfortunately, you have to wait until a few weeks after the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy to be able to moving ! enjoy the feeling of your fetus
  • Mother’s condition in the sixth week of pregnancy
  • If you haven’t experienced this feeling until the sixth week of pregnancy , you will soon find yourself in the turbulent path of pregnancy emotions. You may be grumpy one day and happy the next! Although these conflicting feelings may be troubling to you (especially if you used to pride yourself on being in complete control of your emotions), these feelings are completely normal and may continue throughout your pregnancy.
    These conflicting feelings occur due to changes in the amount of hormones and usually due to the high amount of hormones. Apart from the discussion of hormones, your whole life is also changing and who doesn’t get emotional in this situation?!
  • Do not forget to take supplements
  • After 6 weeks of pregnancy, design a regular schedule for taking supplements:
  • Place supplements in a medicine box that has separate compartments for each day of the week.
  • Every day you doubt whether you have taken the supplements of that day or not, check the container for that day.
  • Place the medicine box next to your toothbrush to remind you to take the supplement every night when you brush your teeth.
  • What should we eat in the sixth week of pregnancy?
  • It is true that there is no need to gain significant weight in the first trimester of pregnancy, but if pregnant, you are not it is better to pay attention to protein. Protein is one of the main elements for building a baby’s body. In the sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus needs protein for its cells and organs, and the mother needs protein to have a “pair”.
    The body of pregnant women needs an additional 10 grams of protein, that is, instead of the 50 grams of protein that non-pregnant women need, you need 60 grams of protein. Try to use low-fat or saturated fat-free foods to get the protein you need. For example, use lean cuts of veal and skinless chicken.
  • Some examples of protein-rich foods:
  • 100 grams of chicken without skin and bones: 30 grams of protein
  • 115 grams of charcoal hamburger with beef: 30 grams of protein
  • 115 grams of tuna: 25 grams of protein
  • 215 grams of fat-free yogurt: 12 grams of protein
  • 215 grams of skim milk: 8 grams of protein
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter: 8 grams of protein
  • 1 egg: 8 grams of protein
  • ?How much water to drink in the sixth week of pregnancy

  • In the sixth week of pregnancy, you should drink 8 glasses of water a day , and if you vomit more often, increase the number of glasses a day. Water is the best drink because in the second trimester of pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 40%, which is about 4% of your pregnancy weight. But you start drinking water from the first weeks.
  • This volume of extra blood is responsible for transporting and delivering the necessary nutrients to the fetus and helps your kidneys eliminate waste materials. Drinking water lowers the risk of bladder, urinary tract and kidney infections and prevents constipation during pregnancy .
  • Important symptoms of the sixth week of pregnancy
  • Since you are still pregnant, you may not experience some of the symptoms, but in general, you are likely to experience the following symptoms starting this week:
  • Nausea: Nausea is one of the symptoms of the sixth week of pregnancy. You are not the only one who experiences nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy is usually accompanied by nausea, which doctors call morning sickness . The main cause of these nauseas is the increase in pregnancy hormones, along with the strengthening of the sense of smell. You might think that these morning sicknesses can harm the fetus, but they rarely have harmful effects on the fetus. It is better to avoid foods and smells that make you nauseous and eat your food in the room away from the unpleasant smell.
  • Appetite changes: Appetite changes are very evident this week, so that you may not like some foods at all and on the contrary, you may crave some strange foods .
  • Abdominal bloating and constipation: Progesterone hormone during pregnancy can cause this problem. Drinking plenty of water and foods with plenty of fiber will prevent this from happening.
  • Fatigue: You feel extremely tired because your body has not yet adjusted to the hormonal changes. Add a short break in the middle of the day to your schedule so that you can get the necessary energy.
  • Spotting: Hormonal changes may cause spotting in pregnancy . It is better to talk to your doctor or midwife when spotting occurs and get useful advice to solve this problem, but sometimes this bleeding may be the first signs of miscarriage. If you notice spotting or bleeding, call your doctor or midwife right away to determine if these are signs of a potential problem.
  • Abdominal bloating, breast swelling, frequent urination and mood changes are among other symptoms that may appear in the sixth week of pregnancy.
  • Hormonal changes in the sixth week of pregnancy
  • During pregnancy, there are changes in some specific hormones that we review:
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin: After implantation, your body starts to secrete the hormone chorionic gonadotropin or HCG. HCG is present in blood and urine and is the way to diagnose pregnancy. HCG is responsible for regulating estrogen and progesterone and causes frequent urination.
  • Progesterone: Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum or corpus luteum, and its level increases during pregnancy and remains at this level until the birth of the baby. In early pregnancy, progesterone is responsible for increasing uterine blood flow, creating the placenta, and stimulating the growth and production of endometrial nutrients. Progesterone also plays a vital role in the development of the fetus because it prevents premature birth and strengthens the muscles of the pelvic wall and prepares for childbirth.
  • Human placental lactogen: This hormone causes changes in the breast that are necessary for breastfeeding after birth. It also plays an important role in increasing the level of nutrients in the blood and as a result the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Corticotropin-releasing hormone: Corticotropin-releasing hormone is not only responsible for determining the duration of pregnancy, but also responsible for fetal growth and development. In pregnancy, the increase of corticotropin and cortisol hormones develops the organs of the fetus.
  • Estrogen: Estrogen is responsible for the development of fetal organs and placental function and preparation of breasts for lactation. In addition, estrogen is also needed to regulate other hormones produced during pregnancy. It is due to the increase of estrogen and of course progesterone that among the symptoms of pregnancy we can mention mood changes and morning sickness.
  • Relaxin: This hormone relaxes the mother’s muscles, ligaments, and joints to allow the uterus to grow and prepare the body for childbirth. Relaxin can cause physical symptoms such as pelvic pain, balance problems, and constipation.
  • List of important tasks in the sixth week of pregnancy
  • Tests such as blood group, RH, iron level and some genetic disease tests and…

  • Testing for sexually transmitted infections, for which tests must be performed to determine the HIV virus, chlamydia, etc.

  • Urine test to evaluate high blood sugar levels and types of infection

  • Watch out for infection
  • Since pregnancy is an extraordinary and critical situation and women are more vulnerable at this stage, it is necessary to take extra care of yourself. Avoid contact with people with infectious diseases, traveling in public and crowded and closed places and places where there is a possibility of contamination, using food prepared outside the home, and in general, situations that endanger the health of the mother and the fetus, because Treatment of pregnant women will be more difficult due to the special conditions of pregnancy and restrictions on the prescription of drugs.
  • Religious recommendations of the sixth week of pregnancy
  • Try to keep calm and don’t get angry at all times. Don’t forget to read the Quran and listen to the Quran tape daily if you are tired or unable to do so.
  • Take care of your emotions and keep them under control. Avoid disputes, long discussions, fights, and quarrels because all these situations affect the fetus and this effect will not disappear.
    The emotional pressure of a pregnant mother in the long term, whether it is caused by marital problems or negative opinions about having a child or unfortunate life events, will have negative results for the child. We have told you how the mother’s anxiety will affect the fetus
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