PregnancyWeek BY Week

Week 35 of Pregnancy

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In the 35th week of pregnancy, the body probably starts preparing for childbirth by twisting its muscles. If a pregnant woman feels that her uterus contracts and tightens regularly, these contractions are called Braxton Hicks contractions. We read the other changes of the 35th week of pregnancy together.

The state of the fetus in the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy

Your baby is growing up! The weight of the fetus in the 35th week of pregnancy is more than 2383 grams and its body length is a little more than 46.2 cm. It is very difficult to determine the exact weight of the fetus in these conditions because the volume of amniotic fluid increases with the growth of the fetus and the placenta of the fetus grows. Although your womb is a warm and soft place, but because the space inside the womb is a little small, your baby cannot dive or roll over in it! Of course, he will continue to kick. The kidneys of the 35-week fetus are fully developed, and his liver can also process and eliminate some of the body’s waste. Your baby’s physical development is almost complete in the 35th week of pregnancy, and he will only gain weight in the next few weeks. Therefore, the birth of the fetus in the 35th week will not seriously harm him. You must have noticed that the movements of the fetus in the 35th week of pregnancy are more organized than before and its sleep and wakefulness periods are more regular. Remember that a period of fetal movements in the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy may last up to 20 minutes.
On the air sacs of the lungs of the fetus, due to the presence of surface active substances, which is a chemical substance that expands the lungs after breathing, it takes the shape of lines and helps the fetus to breathe in the world outside the womb after birth.
The head of the fetus is very soft and flexible at the beginning, and it gradually becomes harder with the absorption of calcium. His brain is not yet completely covered and closed by bone, and in fact, the bones of the skull are not yet completely connected. The largest of them is the scapular rhizome, which is located in the front of the head and is called the anterior malleus. There is another temple in the back of the head, which is smaller and not so noticeable.

Height: 46.2 cm
Weight: 2383 grams

Mother’s condition in the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy

Your uterus has grown up to 15 times its normal size, so that the top of your uterus is almost under the ribs of the chest, and you may feel that there is no room left for it to grow.
If you could look inside your uterus, you would notice that the volume of amniotic fluid inside the uterus has decreased a lot and a small fetus has taken its place.
Your uterus also squeezes the rest of your internal organs and you may go to the bathroom more often or suffer from some complications caused by indigestion (such as heartburn). If you do not have these problems, you are one of the few lucky women!
Your doctor or midwife may ask you to check you every week from now until you give birth. He may also ask you to closely monitor the movements of the fetus inside the womb to make sure the amount of activity of the baby inside the womb.

Important symptoms of the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy

Swelling occurs even in healthy women who are not pregnant. By reaching 34 to 36 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus gradually swells. At this time, you will notice that your ring is tight on your fingers and your feet can hardly fit in the shoes. So take off your ring now because you might not be able to do it for another two weeks. But if the swelling increases rapidly or your bladder becomes swollen, call your doctor because it may be a sign that your blood pressure is too high or you are having a pregnancy seizure.

What should we eat in the 35th week of pregnancy?

It is the dream of every pregnant woman to return to her previous weight after pregnancy. Although you still have a few weeks of pregnancy ahead of you, think about your weight loss plan after the birth of your child. About the 35th week of pregnancy and nutrition, if you have gained 13.5 kg of excess weight, 3.5 kg of that fat will be necessary during breastfeeding and the rest will be at the bottom of your back, arms and legs, which will destroy the beauty of your body. and in the meantime, your legs have less fat stored in them than other organs. Of course, rapid weight loss during breastfeeding is not recommended because it will hinder the production of milk in your body. But you should know that breastfeeding itself may help you lose weight to the extent that some women believe that breastfeeding and taking care of their baby helped them lose several kilograms.
Of course, some other mothers have stated that they did not even lose weight during breastfeeding. Losing fat from pregnancy and getting to pre-pregnancy body requires an exercise program and proper diet after delivery. Be ready for nutrition planning in the 35th week of pregnancy and after.
Adequate intake of calcium, protein, iron and folic acid is more necessary in this month than any other month, and it is necessary to take supplements if needed.
During the third trimester of pregnancy, there is the greatest need for calcium consumption, and to prevent constipation, it is useful to do regular exercise and activity and to receive sufficient amounts of fruits, vegetables and fiber sources.

Ultrasound of the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy

In the ultrasound image of the fetus in the 35th week of pregnancy, the ears of the fetus show how the facial features of the fetus are fully developed. He now looks like a newborn baby. Don’t worry, your eyes will light up to see your baby in just 5 weeks. The fetus is now complete in the womb. He continues to practice breathing movements and the amniotic fluid enters and exits the lungs and helps the growth of the lungs.

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List of important tasks in the 35th week of pregnancy

  • Go to the hairdresser: Ask your hairdresser to cut your hair in a simple and neat way so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning and styling it. From now on, you may not have enough time to blow dry and style your hair. If you dye your hair, pay attention to the same points. You may not be able to go to the hairdresser for a while to renew your hair color.
  • Go to the dentist: Be careful that tooth decay is more common in this month, as a result, it is necessary to take care of oral hygiene especially in this month.
Is this your second pregnancy?

Most expectant mothers wonder if they can love their second child as much as their first child.
If you have a child, you surely love him so much that you can’t even imagine that this feeling will arise again when the second child is born.
But fortunately, mothers are the source of love for babies, so you can be sure that you will love all your children with love.
Be sure that you will have another romantic bond with the new baby as warm as the one you had with your first child.

Do not forget to plan the birth

Now is the right time to plan for labor and the birth of your baby. Put all the important things in one list: Who will be with you during the birth? What method will you use to reduce the pain? And how long do you want to stay in the hospital? This can be a good starting point to discuss these with your medical team.
The exact time of delivery cannot be predicted and you probably cannot implement your desired plan piece by piece, but early predictions and collecting all possible options for possible events can reduce the worries of this stage of pregnancy. Do not forget that childbirth can happen in the 35th week of pregnancy.
If you have heard that the pain of childbirth is longer in the first birth than in subsequent births, you should know that it is true. On average, the first labor pain lasts between 12 and 24 hours, and in subsequent deliveries, this time is approximately halved. Of course, this is not the case for everyone, so don’t be surprised if your second labor lasts as long or even longer than the first.

Danger signs of the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy

If you see these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor because the symptoms of premature labor in the 35th week may be:

  • Bleeding, spotting and vaginal discharge: In case of bleeding, even a small amount, see a doctor or midwife immediately, and in case of spotting and increased discharge, call first and see if necessary.
  • Uterine contractions: if there are more than six contractions per hour, go immediately, but if the contractions are painful but less intense, call first.
  • Severe and constant headache / blurred vision
  • Inform the caregiver about leg cramps and cramping during sleep, but if the cramping is accompanied by redness or the pain is accompanied by fever or bleeding, an immediate visit is necessary.
  • Report mild and occasional nausea to the caregiver at the next visit, but if you vomit more than three times in one day or are unable to eat or drink, see immediately.
Close the job

You will have to say goodbye to your job very soon. Some women like to continue their work until the last second if possible; Others prefer to take a few weeks off before giving birth. If you can afford to take a few weeks off work, you should do so even if your employer does not allow you to take more time off after giving birth. Once the baby is born, you will have much less time for yourself. Here are some suggestions to help you quit your job:

  • Organize your desk: Get as much work done as possible and make sure all projects are up to date. Talk to the person who is going to replace you and if this is not possible, leave explanatory notes for him. Organize your work space and remove any personal belongings and photos. Undoubtedly, it will not be pleasant for the person who replaces you to look at the photo of you and your husband on your honeymoon for three months. Also, return any property such as a laptop or mobile phone that you have received from the company.
  • Talk to your ward supervisor: Talk to your ward supervisor to review your maternity leave schedule and discuss last-minute issues. By taking a leave card from the employer, you establish your value with him calmly and gently. But try to resist her temptations to be available during maternity leave. During this time, you are busy enough to take care of your baby and there is no more time to deal with business calls. Give your contact number to your supervisor, but make it clear to him that he will call you only when there is a very urgent problem.
Don’t worry about losing weight after pregnancy

In these days and maybe in the 35th week of pregnancy, you may dream of returning to your normal weight. Although there are not more than a few weeks left until your delivery, you should start the weight loss program now. If you already have a specific plan for this, you are more likely to follow it after pregnancy. Now is the right time to visit clubs and sports classes that have a baby care section, as well as neighbors and groups you know for walking. If during pregnancy you have only gained the recommended amount of 15 kg of excess weight, about 3 kg of it is fat. This amount of fat accumulates in your body during pregnancy because your body needs fat reserves to produce milk. Excess fat is stored in the buttocks, arms, legs and anywhere else that does not have a lot of fat.
If you are breastfeeding, it is not recommended to lose weight immediately after giving birth. Because it disrupts milk production in your body. Meanwhile, until enough milk is stored in your body, that is, 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth, do not think about losing weight.
Breastfeeding your baby is one of the ways to lose weight. In some women, all excess weight is lost by breastfeeding the baby, and some others have reported that they did not lose even 30 grams of weight until they weaned their baby.

Cracking and drying of the skin of the abdomen

Cracking and drying of the abdominal skin in the 36th week and even earlier is one of the problems that bothers all women. In addition to the itchiness, the thought that these cracks will remain on the skin later, even makes them dislike pregnancy a lot. Itching and cracking of the abdominal skin is not easy to stop. You can use oily compounds to improve it. The combination of the following natural oils can be easily prepared. For this purpose, pour an equal amount of the following oils in a closed bottle or jar and combine.

  • coconut oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • sweet almond oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • olive oil
  • A few drops of lavender oil

You can use this homemade cream every day or every other day and always keep your belly fat. You can use this cream to prevent cracking on the stomach, hips and back of the thighs.

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