Your baby is ready to enter the world! At 39 weeks of pregnancy, delivery is near and these last remaining days may go quickly or slowly. From now on, you probably feel increasingly uncomfortable because the uterus is heavier than ever and you have to carry its contents everywhere. But don’t worry, now you can be happy that these issues will be resolved very soon and you will hug your little one. Together, in the 39th week of pregnancy . we review the events that happen
The state of the fetus in the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy
He will continue to build a layer of fat to control his body temperature after birth; But now he is about 60 cm long and weighs 3150 grams (boys are usually a little heavier than girls). In the 39th week of pregnancy, the organs of your fetus are fully grown and placed in their final position, and with the formation of a new layer of skin under the current outer layer, the new skin gradually replaces the old skin.
Now, in the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the facial features of the fetus have been formed and it looks better than before. Also, his eyes are open and his ears are placed at a distance from his head. His head may be full of hair, but don’t be fooled if it’s a strange color, many blonde couples have children with black hair and vice versa. In the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the fetus’s body is so complete that it can be controlled by its brain, and unlike the first weeks of pregnancy, when its head was the same size as the rest of its body, now it makes up about a quarter of its body. Another fact is that now the size of his head circumference and stomach circumference are equal. That is why it is difficult to put on and take off baby clothes.
Fortunately, it does not matter how big the fetus is, because its head is formed when it is born and passes through the birth canal. This may make the head slightly cone-shaped and look a little funny after birth. But it’s not a problem, because about 24 hours after birth, his head will go back to normal.
Height: 50.7 cm
Weight: 3288 grams
Mother’s condition in the 39th week of pregnancy
The doctor or midwife checks the growth and position of the fetus by carefully examining your abdomen at each pregnancy care appointment. She may also perform an internal exam at 39 weeks of pregnancy to determine if effusion (thinning of the cervical tissue) or dilatation (opening of the cervix) has occurred. Don’t panic if your fetus stubbornly sits in its place for several weeks! Only 5% of children are born on time. Be sure that your baby can’t keep you waiting forever! If the fetus is not born by the scheduled time, the doctor or midwife will ask you to do an ultrasound after the end of the 40th week to ensure that the pregnancy is safe to continue. If one or two weeks pass from the scheduled time (end of forty weeks) and labor pain does not occur naturally, most doctors use induction (induction of labor pain into the body using serum).
You may have heard that a pregnant woman’s water bag ruptures without labor pain in a crowded place! If this happens to you, don’t worry; In 15% of cases, the membrane of the water sac ruptures before labor pain occurs. In such a case, usually a rapid flow of water is not seen, but a slow fall or some watery secretion is observed. In any case, if your water breaks (or you even suspect that you may have seen discharge), notify your doctor or midwife quickly, but keep calm because it may be hours before labor pains begin. It is better to consult your midwife or doctor beforehand, you may be told to wait at home until the contractions become regular and their intervals decrease or go to the hospital to be injected with antibiotics. If labor contractions do not start after the rupture of the water bag, induction of labor may be used. Also, if you notice that the activity of the fetus is slow or decreased, even if there is no fluid secretion, inform your doctor immediately.
Important symptoms of the 39th week of pregnancy
There are other signs that indicate the nearness of pregnancy and are more common than rupture of the water sac. You may notice some thick, thick, pink or bloody mucus in your underwear or when you go to the toilet, this is called a “bloody show” and is a sign that labor is imminent, and labor pains usually last a day or two. Occurs after seeing a blood show (if you see a clear blood spot or bleeding from the vagina in any case, contact your doctor quickly). Another sign of labor can be intermittent contractions, the intervals of which are constantly decreasing. If you have experienced Braxton-Hicks contractions before, you will now understand that those contractions were just a simple exercise! Your doctor or midwife will tell you when to call, but when contractions start that last longer than a minute each, occur every 5 minutes, and continue for at least an hour, it’s probably time. Get ready to go to the hospital. Measure the time between each contraction and the next. If you are in doubt whether labor pains have arrived or not, call your doctor.
Your doctor may have asked you to count fetal movements. Even if he hasn’t asked you to count the number of fetal movements, call your doctor quickly if you notice a sharp increase or decrease in fetal activity. Your baby should be active until birth, and a decrease in his activity can be a sign of a problem; It may be necessary to deliver quickly.
What should we eat in the 39th week of pregnancy?
Before going to the hospital, try to gain energy by eating light snacks such as fruit, toast, biscuits or soup. When you go to the hospital, you will not be allowed to eat. In that case, you won’t want to eat because of your nausea, you might even throw up, and this is a strong reason to avoid snacks in the hospital. When the pain starts, it will be helpful to drink fluids.
Ultrasound of the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy
Ultrasound of the 39th week of pregnancy shows three quarters of the fetus’s face and you can easily see his eyelashes. Your doctor may want to determine the exact position of the fetus with an ultrasound and check your readiness for labor and turning the fetus head down.
List of important tasks in the 39th week of pregnancy
Make sure your car is ready to go to the hospital or birthing center.
Check in advance for possible traffic-free routes to the hospital.
Relax, your body is working overtime to support the perfect human inside of you. Take a nap wherever you can and ask others to help you in this matter.
Keep walking. Rural women have easier deliveries and this is only due to physical activity and mobility.
Foods that induce labor
In the 39th week of pregnancy, you can do anything or eat anything that will happen sooner. But as far as medical science knows, there is no magic food for early labor. Some women believe that castor oil is effective, but it cannot be confirmed for sure. So, in general, these foods cannot be effective for speeding up childbirth. Unless the time of labor and opening of the uterus has started, which you should wait for in the best way. As you get closer to giving birth, eat lighter snacks such as bread, cheese and vegetables that are easy to digest. Do not eat fat because it takes time to digest and you need your energy for childbirth. You may also need anesthesia, and then you will face problems.
Maintaining body water in the 39th week of pregnancy
No matter how bloated you feel, no matter how many times a day you urinate or no matter how full your stomach is, you should still drink water. Staying hydrated is very important during the last days of pregnancy because you may start having pain at any moment, and if you have enough water when you start having pain, you will have more energy and stamina.
Drinking water, milk, tea, or caffeine-free coffee, fruit juice, and consuming juicy fruits such as watermelon and grapes will help you get 8 glasses of water a day.
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Walking in the last days of pregnancy
If you have been walking before the 39th week of pregnancy, there is no reason to stop it and you can continue it until the pain starts. This will continue to coordinate the muscles, stabilize the blood sugar level and improve your mood. Drinking enough water and walking regularly will prevent you from getting tired in the bathroom. If you get tired quickly, you can choose shorter routes.
Different mood in the 39th week of pregnancy
You will have a changeable mood, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, and your moods change easily. At this time, most women are impatiently waiting for the termination of pregnancy and childbirth. A lot of fantasizing about the baby and anxiety about the approaching delivery date are completely normal. It is also possible to see disturbed dreams related to childbirth and the baby, which is normal and is not the reason for anything special.
Involve your spouse
Maybe you said the last goodbye to your colleagues, prepared your things to go to the maternity hospital, took a shower, and now you are eagerly waiting to see your cute baby. This longing may prevent you from noticing your partner’s worries about the arrival of the promised day. While you are trying to stay safe from prying friends and people around you who want to touch your stomach so that their luck will open, your wife looks worried and anxious when she sees a body that is out of its previous shape and sometimes even unrecognizable. In addition, he may be worried or capricious about your belonging to a being that is actually his essence.
In these situations, you can involve him by talking and tell him how he can support you during childbirth. These are some of the important things that he can handle:
Be by your side during the early stages of labor, go for a walk together, watch a movie or take a nap.
Rub the bottom of your back.
Help you get in and out of the bathroom or shower.
Give you juice and ice cream.
give you a massage
Measure the time of uterine contractions and talk to you during it.
Prediction of baby’s birth weight
How much will the baby weigh? The weight of a normal baby at birth is between 2.7 and 3.7 kg. The weight of most babies is right between these two limits and about 3.3 kg. The weight of male babies is often 100 grams more than that of female babies. By taking care of the baby, his weight will increase again. Researches teach us that the weight of the baby at the time of birth is one of the determining factors in the ease of delivery as well as the comfort of him and his mother. Children who are born with a weight of less than 2.5 kg are more exposed to various problems. Babies who weigh more than 4.3 kg at birth are also at risk because they may become overweight during childhood and even adulthood.
Crying without tears in the first days
Have you heard that children cry a lot? There is a definite truth about this saying that you will soon understand. But what you probably haven’t heard is that little babies don’t have tears when they cry because their tear glands haven’t opened yet. Although you have to calm your child almost from the beginning, it is not long after the first month that you see tears falling on his plump cheeks.
Do not enema
In the past, doctors considered and performed enemas in order to empty the intestines of women in labor before the baby enters the birth canal. They believed that by doing this, the baby would be born in a cleaner environment and the mothers did not object, because the birth of the baby is accompanied by defecation, but this will happen before the pain starts and the bowels will be emptied during birth. As a result, it does not guarantee the birth of a baby in a cleaner environment with greater ease.
Buy a nursing bra
Buy a nursing bra and take it with you to the hospital. You’re going to need it right after giving birth, and you certainly don’t want to send grandpa after! Your breasts are bigger than before and they will probably get a little bigger during breastfeeding. If you put a napkin or pad for breastfeeding in your bra, it will help you to prevent milk from leaking and dirtying your clothes.
Consider breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a significant protection against infectious diseases. Babies who are breastfed are less likely to suffer from severe bacterial and viral diseases such as meningitis, gastroenteritis, otitis media, pneumonia, botulism, urinary tract infection and necrotizing enterocolitis. According to studies, breast milk prevents some chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, lymphoma, asthma and other allergic diseases. In addition, the growth patterns observed in the first year of life indicate that breastfeeding prevents obesity. Numerous studies show the relationship between breastfeeding and improved cognitive behavior, including higher IQ and improved academic performance until adolescence. In the days after childbirth, breastfeeding reduces postpartum bleeding and the size of the uterus under the influence of oxytocin.