By the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, your fetus has grown significantly and weighs about one kilogram; Just twice as much as four weeks ago. They still like to curl up in the womb. He can still kick and move. He can even smile and that is good news. You can continue to talk to your child and be sure that he will react to your words.
The state of the fetus in the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy
The 27-week-old fetus fills your entire uterus! The weight of the fetus in the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy has reached about 875 grams, and its body length is 36.6 cm; About the size of a cauliflower. He can now open and close his eyes and sleeps and wakes up at specific times. He can also suck his fingers. Although his lungs are not fully developed yet, if the fetus is accidentally born prematurely in the 27th week, he will be able to breathe with the help of a lung device. Pay attention to the rhythmic and regular movements of your baby because they are signs of hiccups that may occur regularly from now on. Usually, each hiccup of a child will only last for a few moments, and as a result, it will not be annoying for him; Then enjoy the feeling of these moves! Your baby’s brain is now very active as more brain tissue develops. What do you think he is thinking?!
In the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus becomes fatter with the increase of fats under its skin, and since the blood vessels are very close to the surface of its skin, it looks pink. After birth, relying on these fats, he produces the required energy and protects himself against the cold. At the end of the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, her weight will perhaps reach one kilogram, and the fetal placenta is now fully grown.
The fetus hits so much in the twenty-seventh week that it may annoy you and even make you afraid that it will come out suddenly. But don’t worry. The baby’s kicks are related to his personality rather than his health.
Height: 36.6 cm
Weight: 875 grams
Mother’s condition in the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy
Your baby is getting ready for the final stage, so you may notice new complications starting at week 27 of your pregnancy.
In addition to feeling pain in the back and lower back, you may also sometimes experience leg cramps. Your legs bear a lot of weight and your uterus needs more blood flow.
As the uterus grows, it puts more pressure on the vessels that carry blood from your lower limbs to the heart, as well as on the nerves that run from your upper body to your legs. Unfortunately, the longer your pregnancy goes by, the more intense these muscle cramps will be.
Cramps usually occur at night, but may also occur during the day. You might get rid of the pain and cramping by doing this exercise: extend your legs and pull your toes straight forward, then pull them back (as if you were trying to touch your big toe to your calf).
This will stretch the calf muscle and may improve your problem. Also, walking for a few minutes or massaging the calf muscles may be helpful.
This may be far from your mind at the moment, but it is better to think about family planning and contraception.
You have to make some decisions before your baby is born. Maybe this number of children is enough for you and you want to close your tubes while you are in the hospital. Anyway, you have enough time to consult with your wife and the specialist.
Important symptoms of the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy
Dizziness is one of the common symptoms in the 27th week of pregnancy, but if it bothers you, be sure to consult a doctor. If you feel dizzy, lie down and keep your legs up. Another symptom you may experience this week is bleeding gums. Hormones during pregnancy cause the gums to swell and even become infected and bleed. Although bleeding gums are common and disappear after childbirth, it is better to start taking special care of your teeth now. Restless leg syndrome is another problem that you may face during the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy. This happens more at night and during sleep. This problem is usually related to iron deficiency or anemia and allergies to certain foods, so it is better to talk to your doctor about this. You may even have strange dreams this week, which is not so rare, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. In order to avoid snoring and seeing strange dreams, it is better to consume a protein snack before going to sleep to keep your blood sugar high. Among the high protein options are peanuts and cheese.
?What should we eat in the 27th week of pregnancy
Include types of nuts such as pistachios, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts for the nutrition plan in the 27th week of pregnancy. These brains are good sources of protein and iron and can be used as a nutritious snack.
Of course, it is better to consume these ingredients up to 24 hours at most, but at least after removing the wooden skin, so that their nutritional properties do not decrease.
But at least one-third of the daily protein according to the order of the FDA should be obtained from animal sources of protein. Also, especially during pregnancy, it is better to obtain the majority of dietary protein from marine protein sources such as shrimp and fish.
It is better to boil or steam fish and shrimp so that their nutritional properties do not decrease as much as possible.
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Ultrasound of the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy
Now, in the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy, the fetus is growing rapidly, and for this reason, it is difficult to have a complete picture of the uterus, and the fetus is no longer in the picture. He has tripled in weight since this trimester started and still has a lot of growing to do.
List of important tasks in the 27th week of pregnancy
- Research the umbilical cord blood bank and save your baby’s umbilical cord after birth if you wish.
- Start the habit of reading stories. The language learning institute is activated in your belly and in the third trimester the fetus can remember sounds that are made regularly.
- Get some sun. Sunlight and vitamin D absorption may not have been so important before, but now you only need 20 minutes of sunlight a day.
prepare food
Prepare some food so that you will not be hungry after the birth of your baby!
If you cook yourself, from now on cook twice as much food and freeze half of it. In the first weeks after the birth of your baby, you and your partner will be so tired every day that you will not feel like cooking and you will be very happy to have something in the fridge that you can quickly heat up and eat.
If you don’t cook, look in magazines and local couriers or shops near your place of residence and collect a list of all the foods that are delivered to your door by service. Later you will be very happy with the many choices you have.
Irregularity of the fetal heart
Arrhythmia is an irregularity in the heartbeat, which doctors usually detect from Doppler ultrasound (a device that amplifies and amplifies the sound of the fetal heart) and a stethoscope.
The irregularity is as if the heart does not beat for a moment. This issue is not much to worry about because babies usually get over irregular heartbeats before birth and have a healthy heart at birth.
Do not eat bad fat
The type of fat you should avoid are hydrogenated fats, which contain fatty acids or monounsaturated fats and are more damaging to your heart than saturated fats or cholesterol.
Dietary guidelines around the world recommend that people always watch their hydrogenated fat intake and only get a few grams of these fats per day.
Hydrogenated fats are usually found in prepared foods such as cakes, biscuits, fried foods and fried chicken. If the food label does not indicate how many grams of hydrogenated fat it contains, look for terms such as “contains hydrogenated vegetable oil” or “vegetable shortening oil” as these terms indicate the presence of hydrogenated oil.
The best way to reduce your consumption of these fats is to reduce your consumption of ready-made meals outside the home.
Breast heaviness
During pregnancy, when the breasts become large and heavy, it is necessary to wear a bra, but choose a bra so that the breasts are kept upwards and inwards.
Because breasts grow rapidly before six months, it is better to change bras before that period, but from the sixth month onwards, when the change in breast volume is almost constant, changing bras is not necessary.
Avoid wearing bras that keep the breasts flat and wide apart. From the 27th week of pregnancy, i.e. the 5th month onwards, a thick and white secretion called “colostrum” is released from the nipples, which sometimes dries up and irritates the skin around it.
To prevent it, you can use a clean gauze or cotton to clean the nipple with lukewarm water and soap